5 Best Home Remedies for Itchy Scalp

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Itchy scalp or Scalp pruritus, is a common condition. There are many various causes. Dandruff called seborrheic dermatitis and inflammatory skin condition are the most common causes of itchy scalp.

If you choose not to use harsh chemical products in treating your itchy scalp, then you can try these home remedies to relieve the itchiness:

Home Remedies for Itchy Scalp:

1. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar contains antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antifungal properties. This can help to reduce itching caused by dry skin.

How to Use:
You will need to test it first on your skin before using it on your scalp to feel if it burns. If it does, you may need to dilute it with water using the ratio 1.1. With th use of a spray bottle, spray it on your scalp several times a week, then the itchiness will be gone.

You can try diluting apple cider vinegar using warm water, then use it as a rinse after shampooing to alleviate itchy scalp and dandruff.

2. Lemon Juice

Lemon juice contains antibacterial properties that help in fighting the bacteria causing itchiness on your scalp.

How to Use:
Squeeze some juice from some fresh lemons, then use cotton balls to apply on the itchy parts of your scalp. Leave on for about 10 minutes, then rinse it off.

Be careful not to use too much lemon juice because this may affect your hair colour.

3. Meditation

It may not come as a surprise to you that activities which reduce stress, including meditation, may be effective at getting rid of itchy scalps caused by anxiety. Also, this may help with itching due to eczema.

A study on meditation and its possible effect on eczema by Emory University reported that the perception of itching may be improved by this ancient practice, as this provides a sense of control and coping mechanism.

Meditation can be done alone orthrough the use of other itchy-scalp home remedies. If you are new to meditation, you can try taking a class or listening to a meditation app, tape, or podcast.

See also  The Impact of Meditation to the Brain

4. Organic Coconut Oil

Organic coconut oil is extracted naturally from mature coconuts. This oil contains lauric acid, which is a saturated fat that contains antimicrobial properties. Lauric acid helps your skin in absorbing coconut oil efficiently. This makes it a soothing treatment for your itchy scalp.

Coconut oil may be of help for itchy scalps that were caused by eczema. Also, this may be helpful in fighting head lice.

A 2010 study analyzed the healing power of coconut oil combined with anise. Researchers reported this combination to be more successful at eliminating and delousing scalp itch than permethrin, which is a medication used to treat lice.

5. Peppermint Oil

Peppermint oil may be helpful and effective in soothing the scalp, calming down itch and reducing dandruff.

How to Use:
You can try diluting peppermint oil with another oil, such as olive oil, then massage it into your scalp before shampooing. Also, you can use peppermint tea as a rinse after shampooing.

What are the Risks and Side Effects of Using Home Remedies for Itchy Scalp?

If your symptoms get worse or do not subside, consult your doctor about medical treatments. These may be more effective.

Essential oils and any active ingredients in shampoos may irritate broken or swollen skin. Do not use any ingredients you have a known allergy to. Also, do not treat children with any product until you have their pediatrician’s approval.


Scalp itch is a common complaint and with multiple causes. This can often be treated at home, but sometimes it requires medical treatment.

If your symptoms do not disappear easily or within a few weeks, consult your doctor about the underlying cause of itchy scalp and the best treatment for it.

Related Artices:

  1. 3 Quick and Easy Home Remedies for Dandruff
  2. How to Make Your Hair Dandruff-Free
  3. How to Effectively Use Lemon to Get Rid of Dandruff


photo credit: pixabay

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