Adding This Simple Nutrient to Your Diet Can Burn Fat Fast!

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What is This One Simple Nutrient You Can Add to Your Diet to Burn Fat Fast?

Did you know that fiber is an important nutrient when you want to burn fat fast? If you need to drop that excess weight, fiber should be your go-to food.

But are you eating enough? Probably not.

Adding This Simple Nutrient to Your Diet Can Burn Fat Fast!
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Fiber and Weight Loss

According to the author The Small Change Diet, Keri Gans, RD, fiber is a magic weight loss ingredient. Unfortunately, many of us are not getting enough of it.

The average woman should be getting 25-30 grams a fiber daily. That is the amount found in 7 apples, 7½ cups of oatmeal and 12 cups of broccoli.

If you get the enough amount of that nutrient through whole foods and not thru fiber supplements, that will keep you fuller longer. This is because fiber are digested much slowly than simple carbs. Thru this important part of your diet, your digestive system will run smoothly. As a result, you will not be constipated or bloated.

Other healthy weight loss friendly foods that are loaded with fiber are: vegetables, fruits, and whole grains.

How to Add More Fiber Into Your Diet?

Eating half a dozen apples to meet your fiber goal is not appetizing. The best method is to spread your servings, across all your snacks or meals for the day.

It is recommended that all of our meals should include at least 8 grams of fiber. To hit the 30 grams per day goal, you should take a medium pear for a snack or half an avocado. Each of these has about 6 grams of fiber.

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To increase your fiber intake at each meal, start including quinoa, which has 5 grams per cup, oatmeal, which has 4 grams per cup and barley with 8 grams per 1/4 cup, into your menu.

Always remember that fiber is your friend, get friendly with fiber-filled mix-ins such as chia seeds which has 10 grams per oz and chickpeas which has about 9 g per 1/4 cup.

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