Wax on Apples: Its Harmful Effects and How to Remove Them

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Coating apples using a layer of wax is common practice. Apple is a fruit with high water content. To protect itself from microorganisms, apple has a natural wax coating over its surface.

The natural coating of apple gets washed off due to cleaning with water. And because of this, the apple loses its shine, therefore becoming dull.

To revive the shine of apple, sellers place wax on the apple. This process is known as Edible Coating. The wax gives a shiny appearance to the apples.

This appearance attracts more buyers. Also, this helps in preserving the apples for a longer period of time. Therefore, putting wax on apples helps in improving the storage life and provides protection against fungus.

How to Identify Wax on Apples?

In most cases, the extra shiny appearances of fruits suggest wax coating. But, there are other ways you can confirm the presence of wax on apples.

  • Use a knife, then scratch the surface gently. This will leave residues of wax on the knife.
  • Rub the apple against your palm. Doing this will leave whitish powder on your palm. This powder indicates wax coating.

Types of Wax Used on Fruits:

The wax used on fruits and vegetables are food grade wax. The coating is Edible Synthetic Coating. This is not harmful because these waxes are derived from natural sources.

Some of the waxes that are used for edible synthetic coating are listed below:

FDA permits certain amount of wax coating. But, remember that the human body is not capable of digesting high quantities of wax.

  • Beeswax
  • Carnauba Wax
  • Shellac
  • Petroleum Jelly

Side Effects of Wax on Apples:

The natural wax coating on vegetables and fruits is safe to consume. But, the synthetic wax placed on apples is not easily digested in your body. This unabsorbed wax remains in yoursmall intestine. This wax can cause some issues in your digestive system.

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Other Side Effects Include:

  • Can cause ulcers in the lining of the stomach and small intestine.
  • Can cause various infections in your gastro-intestinal tract.
  • Digestive issues
  • Respiratory problems

How to Remove Wax on Apples?

It is always a good option to remove the wax and then eat apples, whether wax are harmful or not.

It is advisable to wash fruits before consuming them. But, what if washing them with water is not enough?

Here are other methods of removing wax from fruits, or apples:

1. Apple Cider Vinegar

Use a cloth or paper towel to wipe the apple with the Apple cider vinegar solution. Thenwash the fruit with water.

2. Baking Soda and Lemon Juice

Mix 1 tablespoon baking soda and lemon juice in water. Dip the apple in the mixture and scrub with the use of a vegetable brush. Rinse them using tap water, once done.

3. Wash Using Hot Water

Dip the apple in hot water for a few seconds in order to remove the wax. Take out the apple from the hot water, then wash it again using running tap water.

4. Vinegar

Scrub the apple using vinegar. Then rinse with water before consuming.

Some people peel off the apple, then consume it. But, this is not recommend, as the peel contains lots of nutrients.

You can use any of the listed methods to remove the wax layer.


Related Articles:
1. How to Properly Wash Vegetables and Fruits
2. How to Remove Pesticides from Vegetables and Fruits
3. 10 Nutritious Fruit and Vegetable Peels You Can Eat

photo credit: pixabay

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