How Sleeping Well Decreases Your Cancer Risk

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Getting a good night’s sleep, just maybe your greatest weapon to fight and prevent cancer risk.

That is according to a leading scientist from Stanford University. He pointed out that how individuals sleep can seriously affect the balance of hormones in their bodies, which in turn may influence cancer progression.


How well you sleep can seriously affect the balance of hormones in your body. This can caused disruption in your sleep/wake cycle, also known as the circadian rhythm. The brain processes melatonin during sleep, a disrupted circadian rhythm may influence cancer progression through shifts in hormones like melatonin.

According to studies, having a regular circadian rhythm may be necessary in order for your body to defend against cancer. Sleep/wake rhythms that are disrupted due to stress or any other issues may promote cancer growth.

Melatonin helps to suppress suppress harmful free radicals in the body and slows the production of estrogen, which can activate cancer. If your circadian rhythm is disrupted, your body may produce less melatonin and therefore may have less ability to fight cancer.

Also exposure to light during the night can also reduce melatonin levels. Therefore, it is advisable to sleep in total darkness to decrease the risk of cancer.

Cortisol also plays a role in the link between cancer and the disrupted circadian rhythm. The hormone cortisol, normally reaches peak levels at dawn then declines throughout the day. Cortisol is one of the hormone, that helps regulate immune system activity. This includes the activity of a group of immune cells, known as natural-killer cells that help the body fight cancer.

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The hormone insulin is also related to the cancer and sleep association.
Studies have shown that insufficient sleep will result in an increased rate of diabetes due to increased insulin resistance. Insulin has been clearly linked to cancer in previous studies.

We all know that sleep is important. It is quite clear that not enough sleep will result in increased rates of cancer and diabetes.

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