Meet Polenta: The Grain With Healthy Rewards

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Polenta dates back to the 1700’s, where it was popularly known in Italy. It was known to be a peasant food because it was cheap and plentiful. Nowadays, polenta is enjoyed all over the world and can be found pre-cooked in stores, which makes it a quick and convenient food to consume.

Meet Polenta: The Grain With Healthy Rewards
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What is Polenta?

Polenta is an Italian ingredient, which is made from fine or coarsely ground cornmeal. To make it, you can ground, dried corn in boiled water or broth to create a warm, creamy mixture. You can then combine this dish up with cheese, butter, vegetables and herbs.

Health Benefits of Polenta

Polenta is a low carbohydrate food which is rich in vitamin A, C, a good source of the lutein, caroteinoids and zeaxanthin. Its concentration reaches a level of 1,355 micrograms per 100 grams.
While the level of beta-carotene is 97 micrograms per 100 grams. Its health benefits include, cancer and heart disease prevention.

Studies have shown that corn can support the growth of friendly bacteria in your large intestine and can also be transformed by these bacteria into short chain fatty acids or known as SCFAs. These supply energy for your intestinal cells, which in lowering the risk of colon cancer.

How to Eat Polenta?

You can use polenta as appetizer, a side dish for fish and or as a vegetarian main course. Also, you can enjoy homemade polenta in place of bread or pasta. Then you can add pepper, cheese or butter for additional flavor.

Polenta can be found in several dishes including desserts, soups, breakfast entrees, sauces and casseroles. Store-bought polenta on the other hand, can be deep-fried, broiled, microwaved or pan-fried. k pepper and a sprinkle of coarsely grated Parmesan cheese.

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How to Store Polenta?

Keep in air-tight containers of whole-grain cornmeal in a dry and cool place for up to one year. Put it in the freezer for an extra mileage of 2 to 3 years.

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