8 Symptoms of Low Potassium

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Potassium is important for nerve functions, muscle strength and a healthy cardiovascular system. Therefore, it is important to know the signs of low potassium, so you can cover the shortage and get back on track without any major complications.

8 Symptoms of Low Potassium

Below are the symptoms that you are low in potassium:

1. Heart Palpitations

There are lots of things that can cause heart palpitation and low potassium is one of them. These heart palpitations can range in severity from very slight to very noticeable. Therefore, it is best to monitor on the frequency and adjust your diet accordingly.

2. Fatigue

General fatigue is one of the most common symptoms of low potassium. This would be fatigue that is not the result of overexertion, but it encompasses your whole body, with no explainable cause.

3. Faintness or Dizziness

A huge drop in potassium levels, can slow down your heartbeat, which is enough to make you feel faint or pass out. This is not common and some other factors can be the cause, but if you ever experience this, see your doctor as soon as possible.

4. High Blood Pressure

Potassium can help relax blood vessels. Without enough potassium, blood vessels can become constricted, causing blood pressure to soar. If you have noticed that your blood pressure is high, concult your doctor to determine if low potassium is the cause.

5. Muscle Weakness

Potassium plays a vital role in smooth muscle contraction. So when your levels are low, you may experience spasms and aches.

6. Numbness and Tingling

Potassium helps keep your nerves healthy, and without it, you may experience that annoying pins and needles sensation.

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7. Tingling Sensation

Tingling sensation, when you are low in potassium is one of its subtle sign that is often overlook. If you find are experiencing a tingling sensation in your arms and legs, along with another symptom on this list, remember to check your potassium intake.

Thing tingling sensation, can also be a sign of too much potassium intake, so it is important to take into account the amount of potassium you have been taking in. This is to differentiate if it is a sign of a potassium shortage or overload.

8. Constipation

Low potassium levels may slow down bodily functions and this include the digestive system. Abdominal cramping and bloating may also occur.

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