5 Best Home Remedies to Lighten Skin Naturally

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Flawless skin seems to be always out of reach due to our hectic lifestyle. Also, there are various other factors such as harmful UV rays from the sun, pollution, stress, and an unhealthy diet which can damage your skin further.

Check out these 5 Best Homemade Remedies that are guaranteed to brighten, while also being kind to your skin too.

Natural Skin Whitening Home Remedies:

1. Blueberries

Blueberries help in keeping your skin looking healthy and young. It is loaded with antioxidants that shield your skin against harmful free radicals that can damage the collagen that keeps your skin firm. Also, they are packed with vitamin C, which is another antioxidant crucial for collagen production.


  1. Crush the blueberries.
  2. Combine the paste with yogurt to form a smooth mixture.
  3. Apply to your face.
  4. Leave on for 15 minutes before rinsing with cold water.

2. Dried Orange Peels and Yogurt

Orange is a commonly found fruit present in most households, and works really well in whitening the skin. Also, it is rich in vitamin C that acts as a good depigmenting agent.

1 tablespoon unflavored yogurt
A few orange peels


  1. Dry the orange peels in the sun for about 2-3 days.
  2. Once they become almost crisp, grind them until they turn into powder.
  3. Mix 1 tablespoon of this powder with the yogurt until you get a smooth paste.
  4. Apply the paste into your skin (after cleansing it), then keep it on for about 15-20 minutes.
  5. Rinse using warm water.

You can do this every other day before going to bed. This is best suited for all skin type.

3. Potato Juice

Potato is loaded with vitamins C, B1, B3, and B6 and minerals such as potassium, magnesium, and phosphorus, along with dietary antioxidants, thereby, making it an amazing skin-loving ingredient.

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Potato helps maintain clear skin with an unmistakable glow. The Vitamin C prsent in it boosts collagen production which helps in maintaining skin frimness and elasticity while the zinc protects and heals damaged tissues. Also, it removes impurities and dead skin cells from the skin.


  1. Peel the potato and cut into inch-sized pieces.
  2. Rub the pieces of potato on the areas that you want to lighten, so the juice is spread onto your skin.
  3. Leave on for 15-20 minutes and wash using water. Also, you can grate the potato, squeeze out the juice, then apply it with the help of a cotton pad.

4. Turmeric

Turmeric is a natural exfoliator. It has Vitamin C which is responsible for skin lightening. This can be use for all skin types.


  1. Mix 1/2 tablespoon turmeric with 2 teaspoons Aloe Vera paste to make the mixture.
  2. Apply to the concern areas and leave on for 30 minutes before washing it off.
  3. Do this for a couple of weeks for best results.

5. Yogurt Honey Mask

Yogurt have skin lightening enzymes just like milk. While, honey contains anti-bacterial and moisturizing properties.


  1. Combine the 2 ingredients to make a nourishing mask.
  2. Let the mixture sit for 5 minutes, then apply it to your skin.
  3. Leave on for 20 minutes, then rinse using warm water.

Related Articles:

  1. Beauty Uses of Orange Peels – for Acne, Skin Whitening and Toner
  2. How to Use Potato Peels for Skin Whitening and Shiny Hair
  3. 5 Beauty Benefits of Using Ice Cubes on Your Face and Skin


photo credit: pixabay

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