7 Best Food Sources of Omega-3

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Omega-3’s are “essential fatty acids due to the fact that your body cannot produce them on its own. Therefore, you must rely on omega-3 food sources to add into your diet and to supply these beneficial compounds.

There are 3 different types of “omega-3s'”. These are DHA (docosahexaenoic acid), ALA (alpha-linolenic acid) and EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid). The preferred sources are EPA and DHA, the kinds that are present in seafood sources such as sardines and salmon.

ALA, on the other hand, is present in some plant foods, including certain seeds and nuts, and high-quality cuts of meat such as grass-fed beef.

7 Best Food Sources of Omega-3
food sources of omega-3 / photo credit: healthambition

Top Food Sources of Omega-3:

1. Chia Seeds

Chia seeds are not only loaded in omega 3 but also minerals, vitamins and dietary fibers. Loaded with protein, calcium and magnesium, these seeds help lower the risk of type 2 diabetes, provides health benefits to the brain and improve exercise performance.

2. Mackerel

Mackerel are small and fatty fish. In Western countries, these are commonly smoked and consumed as whole fillets for breakfast. These are incredibly rich in nutrients, and just a 3.5 oz (100 g) piece of mackerel provides 100% for selenium and 200% of the RDI for vitamin B12.

These fish are very tasty yet require almost no preparation. Its omega-3 content is 4,107 mg in one piece, or 5134 mg per 100 grams (3.5 oz).

3. Oysters

Shellfish are one of the most nutritious foods you can eat. Oysters contain more zinc compared to any other food on the planet.

Just a 100-gram portion of raw oysters or 6–7 oysters contain 600% of the RDI for zinc, 300% for vitamin B12 and 200% for copper.

Oysters are usually consume as a snack, appetizer, or whole meal. Raw oysters are a delicacy in many countries. Omega-3 content is 672 mg per 100 grams (3.5 oz) or 565 mg in 6 oysters.

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4. Salmon

Salmon is not only filled with Vitamin D but also a great source of Omega 3 fatty acids, phosphorous and protein. It contains high levels of the omega-3 fats, DHA and EPA.

These fats reduces inflammation, thus reducing your risk of cardiovascular disease. Consumption of salmon 2-3 times per week can lower the risk of heart attack,
, arrhythmia, high blood pressure and embolism.

5. Soybeans

Soybeans are a good source of vegetable protein and fiber. Also, soybeans contain high amounts of other nutrients, which include folate, riboflavin, magnesium, vitamin K and potassium.

But, soybeans are very high in omega-6 fatty acids, therefore, you should not be relied on as a sole omega-3 source. Omega-6’s and omega-3’s in a certain balance.

Omega-3 content contains 1,241 mg in just 1/2 cup, or 1,443 mg per 100 grams (3.5 oz).

6. Vegetables

Most vegetables, especially green leafy ones, are good sources of ALAs. While ALA omega-3 foods are not as good as those with EPA and DHA, these foods should still be a part of yourregular diet, considering how much nutrients and fiber these contain.

Some of the vegetables that are highest in omega-3s include kale, Brussels sprouts, watercress and spinach.

7. Walnuts

Walnuts are very healthy and are loaded with fiber. They contain high amounts of manganese, vitamin E, copper and important plant compounds.

But, do not remove the skin, as the skin contains most of the phenol antioxidants present in walnuts. Its omega-3 content is 2,542 mg per ounce, which amounts to about 7 walnuts.

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1. Top Food Sources of Boron
2. Top Food Sources of Vitamin B5
3. 7 Excellent Food Sources of Vitamin B7

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