9 Top Food Sources of Electrolytes

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Electrolytes are important nutrients necessary in maintaining a proper balance of pH and hydration in the body. An imbalance or deficiency of any electrolyte can disrupt electrical signaling in your muscles, which can lead to fatigue, muscle cramps, numbness and irregular heartbeat.

Key electrolytes for the body include potassium (K), sodium (NA), magnesium (MG), calcium (CA), Chloride (CL) and Phosphorus (P). Chloride and sodium constitute table salt and therefore are widely found in modern diets. Here are the Top Food Sources of Electrolytes:

9 Top Food Sources of Electrolytes
food sources of electrolytes / photo credit: youtube.com

Food Sources of Electrolytes:

1. Bananas

Bananas are a perfect snack option for many reasons. These fruits are affordable, portable and filled with vitamins, nutrients and electrolytes. Added to that, they are also available year-round.

Bananas are commonly known as an excellent source of potassium, with just 1 126-gram serving containing about 450 milligrams of potassium. Also, bananas are a good source of magnesium, with just 1 serving containing about 35 milligrams.

This fruit also provide manganese, vitamin B6, fiber, vitamin C, vitamin A, protein, iron, and more.

2. Brown Rice

Rice is a staple food in many countries, and it is one of the most versatile foods that contains electrolytes. Brown rice, in particular, is especially healthy because its processing preserves most of the nutrients.

Also, brown rice has low in calories, but it contains plenty of magnesium, phosphorus, manganese, copper, selenium and vitamin B3. It is rich in fiber, and the oils in whole brown rice can help lower your cholesterol levels.

3. Coconut Water

Coconut water is very hydrating and is a good source of electrolytes. It acts as a natural energy drink and works well in replenishing the minerals you lose when you sweat a lot or have a fever.

Also, it is a great source of B-vitamins and antioxidants, which give it anti-inflammatory properties as well. You can make a smoothie out of coconut water, strawberries, celery, sea salt and honey for quick refill of your electrolyte reserve.

4. Dark Leafy Green Vegetables

Leafy green vegetables provide you with main required electrolytes. You can include kale, chard, beet greens and mustard greens into your diet to increase your intake of electrolytes.

These green vegtable are filled with calcium, potassium, magnesium and sodium. Beans are also great but make sure to spice them properly to avoid excess gas.

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5. Eggs

Eggs offer many excellent health benefits, as they contain riboflavin, phosphorus, vitamin B12, choline and high-quality protein. It also contain minerals such as iodine and selenium that are not often found in other foods.

Eggs are one of the most versatile foods containing electrolytes, as they can be made in various ways and incorporated into a myriad of dishes.

6. Lemon Water

Citrus juices are a good source of electrolytes. Lemon water is a perfect choice because it is rich in potassium and magnesium, while also hydrating.

Also, it contains calcium and some sodium. To make this drink, combine fresh lemon juice with honey, water and sea salt. You can add coconut water instead of water to you a quick electrolyte boost.

7. Potatoes

Potatoes have significant amount of calcium, potassium, phosphorus and magnesium, not to mention niacin, zinc, choline and folate. Also, potatoes also loaded with iron, vitamin C, and vitamin B-6.

Regular consumption of potatoes along with other vegetables and fruits has been proven to reduce obesity and promotes healthy weight. If you are on the lookout in adding some electrolytes to your meal, potatoes are one of the most versatile choices available.

8. Salmon

Salmon is a healthy and delicious fish that is filled with electrolytes and nutrients including magnesium, phosphorus and calcium. It is also rich in essential amino acids, omega-3 fatty acids, zinc and iron.

It contains high-quality protein with vitamins A, B6, B, D and E. Experts recommend consuming salmon and other fish at least 2 times a week. Salmon also goes well with other foods that have electrolytes such as dark green vegetables and brown rice.

9. Seeds and Nuts

Most nuts and seeds are excellent sources of electrolytes, but you should be choosing organic and unprocessed seeds and nuts. The best options include almonds, cashews, walnuts, hazelnuts, sesame seeds, pistachios, sunflower seeds and peanuts.

Read More:
1. 3 Homemade Electrolyte Drinks for Rehydration, Colds and Flu
2. 7 Impressive Food Sources of Iron
3. Top Food Sources of Boron

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