7 Things That Happen to Your Body When You Eat Peanut Butter

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Peanut butter is a versatile spread that is amazingly good for your health. The high amount of healthy oils and protein help with diabetes, weight loss and even Alzheimer’s disease.

But no food is perfect, though. Therefore, there are some cautions with peanuts. But, hopefully, you are not part of the 1% of the population that is highly allergic to peanuts.

7 Things That Happen to Your Body When You Eat Peanut Butter
peanut butter benefits / pixabay

Health Benefits of Peanut Butter:

1. Boost Energy

Peanut butter contains good amounts of protein and healthy fats. It contains lots of calories that will give you plenty of energy for your activities. This is perfect for a morning meal, as it gives you an energy hit for the day.

2. Cancer Prevention

Peanut butter contains B-sitosterol, a phytosterol that has the capability to fight against cancer, in particular prostate, colon and breast cancer. Consumption of peanut butter and peanuts may lower the risk of colon cancer in women.

3. Helps Weight Loss

Despite peanut butter’s sodium and fat content, peanut butter is actually good for you. Due to its fiber and protein content, when you consume peanut butter, you actually feel fuller for longer. This means, you are less likely to crave unhealthy snacks and junk food. This means you consume less overall, and voila weight loss made simpler.

4. Prevent Gallstones

Two studies showed that people who consumed five or more servings of nuts weekly had a 25-30% lower risk of getting gallstones, as compared to those individuals who rarely, or never consumed nuts.

Although peanuts are classified as a legume technically, they were considered nuts for these experiments, therefore, peanuts are actually the most commonly eaten ‘nut’ in the world.

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5. Protects Against Memory Impairment and Alzheimer’s Disease

A study found that people who get the most niacin from foods were 70% less likely to develop Alzheimer’s disease. Peanuts are one of the foods that contain the highest amount of niacin.

6. Reduces Type 2 Diabetes Risk

Consuming peanuts can reduce your risk of diabetes according to a study that was published in the Journal of the American Medical Association.

Also, peanut butter contains unsaturated fat that has been known to improve insulin sensitivity. Research showed that increasing the intake of peanut butter lowers your risk of type 2 diabetes.

7. Rich in Good Fat

Peanut butter is loaded with heart-healthy monounsaturated fat. A study showed that insulin-resistant individuals who consumed a diet high in monos had less belly fat, as compared to the people who consumed more saturated fat or carbohydrates.

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