10 Best Foods for Better Digestion

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In general, we should be able to digest just about any type of food we consume. But some changes in food preparation and processing, including our lifestyle, may mean our stomachs don’t always react well to everything we consume.

It’s best to incorporate foods into our daily diet, that can help ease our digestion. Below is a guide to what’s good and healthy, when it comes to keeping our system running perfectly.

10 Best Foods for Better Digestion

1. Chia Seeds

Chia seeds are rich in fiber. In fact, just 2 tablespoons contain 10 grams of fiber. It is also rich in anti-inflammatory phytochemicals for gastrointestinal remedies.

What more, chia seeds are easy to use as they have a mild flavor, which makes them adaptable to add into a variety of dishes. It can be added into any dish, from smoothies, applesauce and raw yogurt.

2. Ginger

Ginger helps speed up the digestion process that moves the food from the stomach into the upper small intestine. It is a popular Asian remedy for upset tummy and nausea.

3. Fermented Vegetables

Fermented foods are considered to be potent detoxifiers and contain high amount of beneficial bacteria, which makes them ideal for optimizing the gut flora. Also fermented vegetables contain high amount of fiber and antioxidants which makes them good for your digestive health.

One-quarter to one-half cup of fermented vegetables, consumed with your meals per day, can have a huge beneficial impact on your digestive health and overall health.

Other fermented foods youcan try are kefir, which is made from fermented milk, kimchi or Korean pickled cabbage and miso, a Japanese paste made from fermented soybeans.

4. Yogurt

Yogurt contains healthy bacteria that replenishes the normal flora within the gastrointestinal tract. Remember to check the labels for the “live and active cultures”.

5. Water

Water plays an important role along with fiber, to get solids through your system. Staying hydrated throughout the day, is one of the easiest digestive tip to follow.

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To avoid digestive problems, choose drinks that does not contain caffeine and are not fizzy. You can try plain water, herbal teas or milk. If you can’t do without your coffee, limit your intake to one-2 two cups per day.

6. Fish Oil

Fish oil in high doses have been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties. It can also benefit your digestive tract as well. You can start by adding fatty fish into your diet, this includes tuna, mackerel and salmon.

7. Red Cabbage

Red cabbage contains high amount of amino acid L-glutamine, proven to help heal the soft tissue lining the intestines. It is helpful for individuals with ulcerative colitis, leaky gut, Crohn’s disease, celiac disease and irritable bowel syndrome.

Red cabbage can be consumed as juiced, steamed or fermented, which will add more gut-healthy enzymes and beneficial bacteria.

8. Bananas

Bananas are rich in fiber to help in the digestive process. It helps restore normal bowel function, most especially if you have diarrhea. It also helps in restoring potassium and electrolytes, that may be lost due to runny stool.

9. Lean Fish & Meat

Choose lean meats like chicken, fishes and other lean meats. This will go down a lot easier than red meat or steak, which contains more fats. Also fish and lean meats, have not been associated with an increased risk of colon cancer like that of high-fat red meats.

10. Bone Broth

Bone broth is used as the foundation of the GAPs diet, that is based on the Gut and Psychology Syndrome (GAPS) principles. This is because is it very easily digested and is incredibly healing to the gut.

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