Kiwi Face Mask to Brighten and Rejuvenate Your Skin

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Kiwi face mask gently exfoliates, nourishes and moisturizes your skin, making it supple and soft. You can use this face mask daily, if you have oily acne-prone skin. For dry skin, you can use it once a week because kiwi face mask is a great exfoliant.

Kiwi Face Mask to Brighten and Rejuvenate Your Skin
kiwi face mask recipe / pixabay

Health Benefits of Kiwi for Skin:

Kiwi is an antioxidant powerhouse fruit that provides various benefits to your skin. You can use the kiwi face mask for all skin types.

It is filled in vitamin C and E, which are known powerful antioxidants that moisturize, nourish, brighten, smoothen and exfoliate skin. It also contains huge serving of dietary fiber which is essential for proper bowel movement, therefore keeping your skin acne-free. Here are the nutrients in kiwi that are great for your skin:

    • Vitamin K

Helps lighten under eye circles.

    • Vitamin E

A natural sunscreen, whic protects your skin from UV damage. It also moisturizes dry withered skin, into supple soft skin.

    • Vitamin C

Fights free radicals that removes oxygen from healthy skin cells, which causes wrinkles and sagging skin. Also, it evens out brown spots and skin discolorations.

    • Vitamin A

Use for skin maintenance and repair. Also, it protects your skin from UV damage. Vitamin A is also proven to smoothen out rough dry skin and mimimize age spots.

    • Alpha hydroxy acids

Powerful nutrient for skin, which is used for lightening acne scars and treating acne. Also, alpha hydroxyl acids improve the appearence of aging skin.

1. Banana-Kiwi Face Mask:


1 Tbsp plain yogurt
1 Banana
1 Kiwi

1. Take out the flesh from the kiwi and place in a bowl.
2. Mash the pulp well using a fork.
3. Combine 1 peeled banana to the kiwi, then smash it.
5. Combine 1 tablespoon of plain yogurt to the kiwi-banana mixture.
6. Mix the ingredients thoroughly, then form a smooth paste.

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How to Apply Your Homemade Kiwi Face Mask:
1. Remove all makeup, then rinse your face.
2. Apply the kiwi facial mask evenly on your face.
3. Allow it to dry for at least 20-30 minutes.
4. Wash it off by using lukewarm water.
5. Pat dry.

Notes:Additional Tips
Use this face mask 1 every week for softer and flawless skin.

2. Lemon and Kiwi Face Mask:

Kiwi’s nutritional content is great for youthful skin. While lemon juice is a natural bleach. This combination of face mask is suitable for individuals with oily skin.


Lemon juice

1. Combine kiwi pulp with the fresh lemon juice.
2. Apply it to your face using a cotton ball.
3. Leave on for at least 15 minutes.
4. Wash off using lukewarm water.

This face mask will help in minimizing your blemishes and pores.

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1. Burning Face Mask to Get Rid of Acne Scars and Blemishes
2. Herbal Face Masks for Soothing and Healing
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