9 Tips and Tricks Petroleum Jelly Can Help You With

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What is Petroleum Jelly?

Petroleum jelly is a semi-solid mixture of hydrocarbons, originally promoted as a topical ointment for its healing properties. It is hugely versatile, and it’s used all over the world, mostly seen in our homes, we just ignore it. We can see it in our medicine cabinet, beauty products, etc.

9 Tips and Tricks Petroleum Jelly Can Help You With
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1. Use It to Restore Cracked Heels

Put a generous amount on your dry feet, then throw on a pair of socks and leave them on overnight for super smooth skin the next morning.

2. Rough Hands and Feet

Have dry hands and feet?? All you have to do is apply petroleum jelly two times a week. Then massage it for a few minutes to remove the dead damaged skin, you may use a toothbrush or pumice stone. Continue brushing for several minutes until the area softens.

3. Used as a Substitute for Mascara

If you not into mascara or don’t have budget to buy one, but wants to have defined lashes, coat them with petroleum jelly for a glossy finish. Petroleum jelly not only leaves lashes conditioned, but it’s even rumored to help them grow.

4. Prevent Scars from Forming

If you accidentally burn yourself, you may try applying a thin layer of petroleum jelly over the wound to minimize future scarring.

5. Natural Glow

Want to have a dewy and natural glow on your skin, without making it look oily?? All you need to do is take a tiny amount of petroleum jelly and rub it in between of your fingertips. Apply it above your eye brow bone and onto your cheek bone. Be careful not to put too much of it because it can remove your make up and make your skin look oily.

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6. Keep Your Nails Clean

Most of us women are having a problem painting and perfecting their nails. Most of the time it turns into a real mess, especially when we paint using our non-dominant hand and we end up going to the parlor to have it done… Luckily, petroleum can help here as well. All you have to do is dip a cotton swab into a petroleum jelly and swipe it along the cuticle near the nail. By doing this you will create a protective barrier on the skin.

7. Make Perfume Last Longer

Dab small amounts of petroleum jelly on your pulse points: your wrists, behind your knees, behind your ears and even on your ankles. Just before you spray on your favorite fragrance. It absorbs the scent for a more lasting effect.

8.Used as a Hydrating Face Cream

I know it’s not as elegant as your usual face creams, petroleum jelly is actually a great heavy duty moisturizer (don’t worry, it’s noncomedogenic) and works wonders on dehydrated skin on a dry weather.

9. It Prevents Swimmer’s Ear

It can actually save ears if you swim a lot. All you have to do is dip a little on a cotton ball and then mold the cotton ball into your ear before you dive into the water. This keeps any unwanted moisture out.

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