Tips for a Healthy Sleep

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Everyone wants to sleep well as this is crucial to what tomorrow’s mood and energy will be. The power of a good night’s sleep cannot be discounted as it comes with a gamut of positive effects. If you want to have enough rest and you want to wake up with a smile on your face, here are some good habits to start practicing tonight:

1. Go to the Gym.

If you don’t have enough time to go to the gym while the sun is up, you no longer have an excuse not to do it at night – especially if you want to sleep better. According to the National Sleep Foundation’s research in 2013, people who exercise first before they sleep can become well-rested than those who don’t.

2. Stretch Some Muscles.

Stretching your muscles before you go to bed can be very beneficial, especially if you are suffering from leg cramps whenever you are going to sleep. When you have leg cramps, you find it difficult to sleep, which can cause insomnia. Many adults, particularly women, experience leg cramps, which can be solved by simply stretching the muscles. To start, you can stretch your hamstrings and calves every night to lengthen your muscles and your tendons. This can also reduce the frequency and the pain that you feel whenever you have cramping.

3. Eat Kiwi

Some people like to have a snack before they go to bed. Instead of eating junk, have a kiwi or two instead. Eating two kiwis one hour before bedtime can help you sleep 35% faster and 13% longer, according to a research conducted in Taiwan in 2011. Kiwi has high amounts of vitamins C and E and antioxidants as well, which regulate neurotransmitters in your brain. Kiwi also has serotonin that aids sleep.

4. Time Your Meds.

If you are at risk of heart attack or stroke and you try to lower it by popping low-dose aspirin, consider taking the medicine before you go to bed rather than in the morning. According to the American Heart Association’s research in 2013, almost 300 people had positive reactions when they took aspirin before bedtime, particularly when it comes to their platelet activity. Although this can help you sleep at night, you should always consult with your doctor before varying the time of medication consumption.

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5. Use the Right Pillow.

Many people think that using a feather pillow can help them sleep better. Unfortunately, this is not the case as one study has proven. In fact, the feather pillow can reduce the quality of sleep. Instead of feather pillows, latex and polyester are a much better choice, particularly if you aim for comfort.

6. Listen to Pink Noise.

You may have heard about white noise, which can help in blocking out noise at night. However, pink noise is found to be a much better solution. This type of noise is regarded as sounds that have lower yet consistent frequency, which may include the sound of a steady rain or the hum of your electric fan. These noises are extremely relaxing as they help regulate your brain waves, causing you to sleep longer and even boost your memory.

7. Turn Off Your Phone.

This is probably one of the things you may not want to do. If your goal is to sleep well, it is time to turn off your phone at night or at least put it on silent. Even a low beep or chime can disturb your REM cycle and can cause you to wake up tired with a slow performance the next morning.

8. Be Grateful.

One good exercise is to be grateful for what has happened to you before you go to bed. Having a clear mind and some positive thoughts can invoke quality sleep, according to a UK study in 2009.

These adjustments to your nightly routine are actually minor and yet they can help you achieve a better sleep, which will leave you fully rested and rejuvenated the next day.

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