How to Remove Pesticides from Vegetables and Fruits

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Majority of people have no real concept of how toxic most vegetables and fruits really are. Unless you are buying only organic produce, toxins are building-up inside your body every time you eat.

A Swedish experiment that was posted on Youtube a few years back, showed a family who consumed only non-organic produce. The family was then tested for a range of pesticides in their urine.

They were shown to have a toxic concoction of several different plant growth chemicals and insecticidal in their bodies. These toxic chemicals were prevalent both in the children and adults.

But, after just 2 weeks of going organic, the pesticide residues in the family’s urine dropped to almost 0 for all tested compounds. While the results of this small experiment showed just how important it is to go organic, the study authors noted that it will be a long time before people know the full health implications of eating so many pesticides in our vegetables and fruits.

How to Remove Pesticides from Vegetables and Fruits
fruits and vegetables / pixabay

Easy Ways to Remove Pesticides Naturally:

1. Cold Water Rinse

Giving your vegetables and fruit a good scrub under a running faucet can help remove the majority of pesticides residues. The Center for Science and Environment or CSE estimates that between 75-80% of pesticide residues are removed by using a good cold water scrub and rinse.

How to:
To make sure you are getting rid of all those pesticides, make sure you rinse the entire area of the produce in question, and paying particular attention to hard-to-reach spots and crevices.

If you are washing vegetables such as carrots or potatoes, use a scrubbing brush to remove any dirty deposits that could contain pesticide residues.

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CSE notes that fruits such as apples, grapes, peaches and plums require 2-3 washings to remove most pesticides, and also fruity vegetables such as tomatoes.

2. Vinegar Soak

This anti-pesticide method is a personal favorite of mine, as I’m constantly making vinegar as a by-product of apple cider. I simply fill a bowl with cold water, add in a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar (any form of vinegar works just as well), and soak my fruits and vegetables in the vinegar water for at least 20 minutes, preferably half an hour.

Then, just give your produce a quick rinse in cold water to remove the vinegar and any remaining pesticide residues, and you’re good to go!

1. Fill a large bowl with 4 parts water to 1 part plain white vinegar.
2. Soak the vegetables or fruits you would like to clean in the mixture for at least 20 minutes.
3. Rinse the vegetable or fruit well with water.

3. Salt Water Soak

If you are short on vinegar, here is one you can use as an alternative, salt!

How to:
1. Mixing 2 teaspoons of salt into 4 cups of warm water.
2. Put in the produce, and keep it below the waterline.
3. Leave to soak for at least 30 minutes.
4. Rinse under cold water afterwards.
5. It’s all set.

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