13 Cucumber Facts That Will Amaze You

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Cucumbers are a part of the summer season where they represent coolness and a refreshing way to spend a day under the sun. Whether you enjoy them fresh or pickled, you cannot deny the goodness that’s in cucumbers.

Other than the fact that you like to eat cucumbers, here are more details about them:

  1. Technically, cucumbers are fruit, just like tomatoes and squash. The more appropriate term is an “accessory fruit” because they are prepared and eaten just like you would with vegetables. Cucumbers are comparable to watermelons as they have high water content as well, usually over 90%, so you will feel hydrated when you consume them.
  2. There are several reasons why cucumbers are good and among them is the fact that they are quite nutritious. One whole cucumber already contains several vitamins, including the following:
    • Vitamin B1
    • Vitamin B2
    • Vitamin B3
    • Vitamin B5
    • Vitamin B6
    • Vitamin C
    • Folic acid
    • Magnesium
    • Iron
    • Calcium
    • Zinc
    • Potassium
    • Phosphorus
  3. Cucumbers are naturally consumed as food. If you are hungry in the afternoon or even in the evening, you can snack on cucumbers, which can help avoid starvation.
  4. If you need to be awake during a lazy afternoon, slice some cucumbers and add them to the water you’ll drink instead of drinking coffee. Since cucumbers contain many B vitamins as well as carbohydrates, you can get more energy that can last for many hours.
  5. If you have a hangover or you are suffering from a bad headache, you can just eat some slices of cucumber before you go to sleep. When you wake up, you will feel so much better. This is because cucumbers have sugar, electrolytes, and B vitamins to refill the lost nutrients in your body.
  6. After eating and you don’t have mints or gums to freshen your breath, a slice of cucumber is the answer. Just press it to the roof of your mouth for about 30 seconds and let the phytochemical do its work by killing the mouth bacteria that cause bad breath.
  7. Cucumbers are not only eaten, but can also be used for cleaning. If you have a problem with your bathroom mirror with it being particularly foggy, you can use cucumbers to eliminate the issue. As a bonus, you get a calming fragrance that smells like you are in your favorite spa.
  8. Speaking of spa, you shouldn’t worry if you don’t have enough time to visit the spa. You can just use an entire cucumber, put it in a pot of boiling water, and let it cool. After that, you can get the feeling that you are in a spa as you take pleasure in the relaxing aroma. This method can help you get rid of stress and also works well for new moms and students who are about to take their exams.
  9. You can also use cucumbers to clean your sink, faucet, and stainless steel. Simply rub a slice to the surface and this can effectively remove the tarnish. Not only do you bring back their shine, but you also don’t have to worry about streaks. Your fingernails will remain clean as well.
  10. Cucumbers are also excellent in removing that annoying squeaky sound coming from your hinge. Just rub the cucumber into the hinge and you will instantly find the pesky sound is gone.
  11. You can also use cucumbers to drive away pests in your garden. Just place some slices of cucumber in a tin and put it in your yard. The cucumbers have chemicals that easily react with the tin can’s aluminum. Insect-repelling odor is released, but remains undetectable to humans.
  12. If you need to go out and show off your legs, but you are afraid your friends will notice your cellulite, you can rub some cucumbers to the problem areas for a few minutes. Cucumbers contain phytochemicals that causes a reaction to the skin’s collagen, prompting it to tighten. As a result, cellulite visibility is reduced. This technique also works well with your wrinkles.
  13. Meanwhile, if you have a date, a job interview, or a scheduled meeting and you don’t have enough time to treat your shoes, you can just use a freshly cut cucumber. The chemicals present in this fruit will provide your shoes with a durable shine that make your footwear more appealing. What’s more, this technique actually repels water.
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Cucumbers are available all throughout the year at several grocery stores. You can cook them, add them to your salads or bottle of water, and you can do more as mentioned above.

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