14 Plants You Need in Your Home to Attract Positive Energy

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Plants have always been a part of decoration within the home, office, business, among others. Aside from decorating a living space, certain plants can also enhance the flow of positive energy into a space. Eliminating negative energy around you is a great step towards upholding your wellness and happiness.

For those who want a positive outlook, try to buy some of the following plants that are effective in attracting positive energy which will benefit not just you but also the people around you.

14 Plants You Need in Your Home to Attract Positive Energy
plants to attract positive energy / pixabay

1. Money Plant (Epipremnum aureum)

Based on feng shui, it produces a positive energy flow, which draws fortune and good luck. Make sure to place it in front of a sharp corner to help reduce stress, anxiety, and negative thought. Shoot must point upward to attract prosperity and good health.

2. Cactus

Cacti (plural for cactus) plants that require special care to maintain it. It is believed that they have the ability to ward off envy, intruders, malicious persons, and hypocrites. It also absorbs bad electromagnetic energy from household appliances.

3. Lucky Bamboo (Dracaena braunii)

Based on feng shui, its vertical form represents the element wood, which defines our life energy, physical activity, and vitality. You must put this low-maintenance plant in a corner of a low-lit room, and kept away from direct sunlight. It should be placed in a glass bowl with around 1 inch of purified water.

4. Aloe Vera

Aside from a variety of health benefits, it also attracts good luck and positive energy. It should be kept away from direct sunlight and must be watered regularly. Furthermore, it should have proper drainage since it can’t withstand stagnant water. The energy released by this plant can fight bad luck and negative vibes

5. Spearmint

Apart from having many health benefits, this plant is used to protect you from witchcraft and the envy of others. Some say that a fresh spearmint plant attracts economic prosperity.

6. Mint

It is a plant with many medicinal properties. A home with this plant does not only guarantee you a good aid for your general well-being, but also promotes positive vibrations in any environment. Mint plant combats bad vibes and help fight insomnia. It can also help improve the communication issues in your home.

7. Sage

With its exceptional cleansing properties, sage helps clear the air of negative emotions, such as anger and fear. Remember to never place it in very dry area or area with low humidity.

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8. Holy Basil

It is one of the few plants that give out oxygen 20 hours a day while also clear toxic gases in the environment. Growing basil is said to have a spiritual healing effect, particularly if it’s kept in north, northeast, or east part of the house or garden.

9. Thyme

It is a plant that removes bad vibes from the air. This plant is known for being a purifying plant, since it combats negative energy, prevents nightmares and promotes self-esteem. Having one in your house will ensure protection to your home and its inhabitants.

10. Eucalyptus

This plant has the ability to fight against and ward off bad vibes, which almost always come from envious or malicious people. It is ideal for businesses or offices, since it is a plant that attracts prosperity. It is also recommended to individuals who need better sleep and liberate the area of oppressive energies.

11. Rosemary

It promotes mental and physical wellness as it purifies the air to keep your house free from toxins. Its smell can instantly lift your mood, combat anxiety, minimize fatigue, treat insomnia, and improve memory. Furthermore, rosemary brings inner peace. Place it in a sunny area and never over-water it.

12. Orchid

Aside from attracting positive energy, orchid also improves the energy of your home and your life and the people around you. The plant bears sweet-smelling durable flowers, which come in different shapes and sizes. Place it in your bedroom as it releases oxygen at night.

13. Chrysanthemum

It is said that it possesses healing powers, as it represents purity and honesty. It purifies the air and eliminate toxins. The chrysanthemum aids wellness and symbolizes a long life. It should be placed in spots where tension is generated to draw a sense of calmness.

14. Jasmine

It invites positive energy and helps in strengthening relationships and building romance. Its sweet and pleasant smell is effective in soothing a stressed mind and attracting positive vibes. It should be placed indoors near a south-facing window indoors, or outdoors in the north, northeast, or east part.

Read More:
1. Keep Mosquitoes Away With These Plants
2. Place These Plants in Your Bedroom to Help You Sleep Better
3. 8 Indoor Plants That Purify the Air in Your Home

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