3 Effective Home Remedies for Premenstrual Syndrome

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Many things are happening in a woman’s body a few weeks before her monthly period. Her utero lining prepares for shedding, her ovary are doing a lot of contracting, her hormonal balanced is disturbed, and so on. All of these factors contribute to the condition many men out there are now probably familiar with – premenstrual syndrome or PMS.

Seventy five percent of women suffer from the painful, often irritating, symptoms of PMS, such as acne, bloating, cramps, depression, hair loss, headaches, mood swings, sugar cravings and many other problems that threaten their work life, well-being and relationships. In around 20% those women, the PMS is so severe that medical treatment is needed. But it doesn’t have to be this way.

A number of studies show that there are many ways to prevent PMS, and the following are just three of those proven-effective home remedies.

  1. Choose a healthy diet

A number of foods can cause extreme hormonal imbalance during the menstrual cycle. Sugar, caffeine, alcohol, dairy products and carbohydrate are just a few of them. Combat PMS by cleaning up your diet and opting for healthy foods. Go for protein-rich eggs to balance your sugar levels. Eat lots of fiber-rich vegetables, nuts, beans and whole grains. Opt for organic foods to avoid estrogens from pesticides. Ditch your morning coffee for a warm cup of ginger tea, which is very effective against cramps and other menstrual symptoms.

  1. Take some supplements

A number of supplements are proven to help ease PMS symptoms. Among those are calcium and magnesium, which respectively help balance hormone levels and reduce symptoms like boating, headaches, and cramping.

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Some herbs and phytonutrients are also proven effective. Chasteberry fruit extract, for example, was found to help control overall hormone function. Flax seeds were also found effective in balancing hormone metabolism and in blocking excess estrogen’s negative effects.

  1. Exercise regularly

 Regular exercise can help improve general health as well as relieve some symptoms of PMS. It releases feel-good chemicals (endorphins) in the brain, altering its perception of pain.

In one trial conducted by researcher at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver – where previously sedentary women were asked to run 12 miles per week for six months – exercise was proven to lessen some PMS symptoms. The participants reported less bloating, moodiness and breast tenderness.

Suffering related to menstrual cycle is not necessary. Follow the above tips and say goodbye to PMS!

3 Effective Home Remedies for Premenstrual Syndrome

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