What are the Health Benefits of Eating Squid?

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Squid, or also known as calamari, is a powerhouse of nutrients that is often neglected by some people. This mollusk is the secret weapon to an easy but healthy living.

Recent research showed that this seafood delicacy is loaded with health-boosting omega-3 essential fatty acids. Squid is a weirdly-shaped mollusk and has been known as a staple in kitchens for years. It contains a chewy flesh, tentacles, and squirts a black ink when it feels threatened.

What are the Health Benefits of Eating Squid?
squid health benefits / pixabay

Health Benefits of Squid:

1. Form Red Blood Cells

Squids have very high minerals and nutrients. Protein, vitamins, and omega-3 fatty acids are some of its main nutritional content. The content of copper present in the squid’s body is good for forming red blood cells.

Red blood cells play an important role in the human body. The hemoglobin occurring in red blood cells plays an e=seential role in transporting oxygen to all of the organs of the human body. Therefore, it is very essential in preventing heart diseases.

2. Heart Health

A 3-ounce portion of plain squid contains 209 milligrams of potassium. This is about 4% of the 4,700 milligrams of potassium needed daily.

Potassium encourages your heart to beat normally, and also helps in keeping your blood pressure low, the Linus Pauling Institute reported. The same serving of squid also contains about 1 milligram of vitamin E, which is 7% of the 15 milligrams you need daily.

An article published in 2007 in “The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition” reported that getting plenty of vitamin E may protect against heart disease, due to the vitamin that protects your cells and makes them less susceptible to damage. The article noted that vitamin E is more effective if taken with vitamin C.

3. Lower Cholesterol Level

Unlike any other seafood which increases the cholesterol level in your blood, squid can lower cholesterol level when you consume it. Uncooked squid is surprisingly low in fat, which is the property that can increase cholesterol level.

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It is scientifically proven that a100 grams squid, contains a low number of calories which is about 1.4 g.

4. Lowers Inflammation

It is proven that almost everything that a person do either increase or decrease the number of inflammation. But, remember that chronic inflammation is what we need to look for.

Chronic inflammation can inflame arteries, which is a start of strokes and heart attacks, which in the end can be very lethal. Squid helps us with this because it is one of the anti-inflammation foods that stop the body from causing too much inflammation.

5. Prevents Arthritis

Research studies have reported that individuals who have rheumatoid arthritis may have a low level of selenium in their blood. Selenium is known as an antioxidant, that may help in relieving some symptoms of arthritis thru dealing with free radicals. Also, squids contain about 63% of mineral selenium.

You should consider adding squid into your diet to prevent arthritis effectively.


To avoid episodes of food poisoning that are linked with eating spoilt seafood, below are essential do’s and don’ts.

    • Always Eat Squids Fresh – Like all shellfish, squid is highly perishable and are very prone to bacterial contamination. You have to either eat them fresh, same day catch, or store them correctly at 0-5 degree Celsius.
    • Buy from Reliable Source – Be it at the wetmarket, supermarket or a fishmonger, make sure that your source is reliable and does not deal in spoilt fish.
    • Clean the Squid Properly – Take the head off, remove the innards, the ink sac, separate the tentacles, and scrub them thoroughly using clean water before cooking. The tentacles and body tube of the squid are edible.

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