7 Ways Turmeric Tea Benefits Your Health and How to Make One

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Turmeric is known to be a bright yellow-orange spice which is commonly used in sauces and curries. It is derived from the turmeric root. This spice has been used for its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and medicinal properties for years.

Turmeric tea is one common and popular form of consuming turmeric. It has a unique yet subtle flavor. Also, this tea is a great way to get the health benefits of turmeric.

7 Ways Turmeric Tea Benefits Your Health and How to Make One
turmeric tea benefits / pixabay

Benefits of Turmeric Tea:

1. Arthritis Management

Curcumin is known for its pain-reducing and powerful anti-inflammatory characteristics, therefore, a study was done on 45 rheumatoid arthritis patients to compare the benefits of curcumin present in turmeric to the arthritis drug Diclofenac sodium, which put individuals at risk of developing heart disease and leaky gut.

The study divided the volunteers into three groups: Diclofenac sodium alone, curcumin treatment alone and a combination of the two. Published by Phytotherapy Research in 2012, the results encouraged more human research to study the wonderful effects of curcumin-rich plants, such as turmeric on individuals suffering from various different types of arthritis.

2. Lowers Cholesterol

Lowering LDL or “bad” cholesterol can help in reducing your risk of developing some serious conditions, including stroke and heart disease. There is evidence that turmeric is very effective at doing just that. A 2008 study that found that a low dose of curcumin was associated with reduced LDL and total cholesterol levels.

3. Prevents Alzheimer’s Disease

While research is still looking for what exactly causes Alzheimer’s disease, it seems as though the curcumin present in turmeric may help prevent it. Turmeric’s antioxidants helps in preventing the damage that can lead to Alzheimer’s. More importantly, some research have shown that turmeric can reduce the accumulation of amyloids linked to Alzheimer’s development and synaptic marker loss.

4. Treatment for Cancer

One of the most clinically established therapeutic properties of curcumin is its anti-cancer benefit. As an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant, curcumin is thought to help in lowering the risk of cells in the body becoming damaged, cancer and reducing the risk of cell mutations.

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Also, various studies have shown that curcumin contains anti-tumor properties, thus limiting the spread of cancerous cells and growth of tumors.

According to a 2014 medical review, more than 2,000 articles have been published using the keywords “cancer” and “curcumin”. The use of curcumin as a cancer treatment beside radiation therapy and chemotherapy is currently being investigated.

5. Reduces Arthritis Symptoms

Turmeric tea contains strong anti-inflammatory properties, which can help in easing inflammation and swelling in individuals with arthritis. This helps in reducing painful symptoms.

One study reported that an active compound in turmeric, known as curcumin, was effective in reducing pain in patients suffering from osteoarthritis.

6. Skin Health

Turmeric benefits include antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that are effective in treating skin conditions. Turmeric benefits for your skin include calming the pores to decrease acne, acne scarring, controlling psoriasis flares and speeding up wound healing. You can make af Turmeric Face Mask for Glowing Skin.

Turmeric can stain your skin and may cause an allergic reaction. Do a patch test first before applying on your forearm. Then wait for at least 24–48 hours to check for any reaction before applying turmeric into your face.

7. Weight Loss

A study that was published in the journal Biofactors showed that curcumin can help in promoting weight loss. The researchers reported that the anti-inflammatory properties present in curcumin were effective at suppressing the inflammatory processes of obesity, therefore this helps in reducing obesity and its “adverse health effects.”

How to Make Turmeric Tea:

1 teaspoon ground turmeric
Black pepper

1. Bring 4 cups of water to a boil.
2. Add 1 teaspoon ground turmeric.
3. Reduce to a simmer for at least 10 minutes.
4. Strain the tea through a fine sieve into a cup, and add lemon or honey to taste.
5. Add a pinch of black pepper to increase absorption.

Read More:
1. How to Brew-turmeric-tea-to-fight-inflammation
2. meyer-lemon-ginger-with-turmeric-tea-for-sore-throat
3. how-to-use-turmeric-for-asthma-and-its-benefits

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