10 Amazing Benefits of Onions You Probably Did Not Know

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If you peel an onion what will you find? Layers and layers of health benefits. Onions are an aromatic that is used as the base for various recipes, which help foods reach their true flavor potential.

Onion is one of the most used ingredient in the kitchen. Not only can this vegetable make your dishes more flavorful and delicious, but it can boost the nutritional value of your recipes.

We all know that vegetables are beneficial to a person’s overall health. But, onions, in particular, are very special. It can provide lots of benefits that most people do not even know about.

10 Amazing Benefits of Onions You Probably Did Not Know
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10 Health Benefits of Onions

1. Bone Health

The calcium content of onions can help a lot in the maintenance of strong bones. This vegetable is also rich in sulfur, which can keep connective tissues strong and healthy.

The combination of these 2 elements is very effective in preventing bone loss, most especially in aging people. Women who are going thru menopausal stage will also find relief from the symptoms of menopause.

2. Diabetes Prevention

Just a single serving of onions contains 27% of your biotin DRI. Biotin has many good benefits on your health.

One of which is combatting symptoms associated with type 2 diabetes. Early research suggests that a combination of biotin and chromium might help regulate blood sugar and even decrease insulin resistance.

3. Healthy Digestion

Onions are loaded with fiber. Fiber is an important element in maintaining a healthy digestive tract.

With adequate fiber in the system, harmful chemicals are released through defecation of waste products, to prevent health problems. A well-functioning digestive system also facilitates proper digestion so that the nutrients from food can be efficiently absorbed by your body.

4. Lowers Blood Pressure

The sulfur present in onions, acts as a natural blood thinner and prevents blood platelets from collecting. This is effective for lowering blood pressure and preventing risk of stroke or heart attack, because you are more susceptible if blood platelets clog up.

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Also, quercetin helps prevent the build-up of plaque in arteries which is also good for preventing stroke and heart attack.

5. Prevention of Cancer

Onions are loaded with flavonoids, particularly quercetin. Quercetin is known for its cancer fighting abilities, such as it can reduce DNA damage and prevent the formation of tumors too.

Studies have shown that an increase in Quercetin intake can reduce an individual’s chances of developing ovarian and colorectal cancer.

6. Improved Immunity

Onions contain both phytochemicals and vitamin C, that increase the effectiveness of vitamin C in your body. But what does that mean? This means, a healthier and more effective immune system.

7. Healthy Heart

Consumption of onions, especially in its raw form, can stimulate the production of good cholesterol inside the body. This will help in the proper regulation of cholesterol levels and so your blood pressure is kept at the right level too.

These can contribute to one’s cardiovascular health, therefore heart problems and diseases can be avoided.

8. Pain Relief

Did you know that fresh onion juice is effective in pain relief and relieving burning sensation from insect bites? This is also effective for bee stings, as the substances from onions contains anti-inflammatory properties too.

9. Skin Health

Biotin is important in maintaining a healthy skin. It is used to prevent hair loss, treat brittle nails, and maintain skin health.

10. Stress Relief

Quercetin also protect your body against stress. When you are experiencing stress, your body produces cortisol.

Too much cortisol can cause protein breakdown and damage muscle tissue in your body. This is where quercetin-rich onions come into play. I times of stress, quercetin suppresses enzyme required for cortisol release.

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