Having high blood pressure can increase your risk of developing kidney and heart disease. People who have high blood pressure should know the essential foods they should consume to reduce their health risk.

One fruit, which is usually treated like a vegetable, that can help in alleviating hypertension is cucumber, according to researchers. Cucumbers is a healthy addition to a balanced diet for lowering high blood pressure.

Nutritional Contents of Cucumber:

Cucumber contains plenty of nutrition that makes people love to eat it. Here are the Nutritional Contents of Cucumber according to Dr Health Benefits:

  • Calcium
  • Calories
  • Carbohydrate
  • Fat
  • Fiber
  • Glucose
  • Natrium
  • Potassium
  • Protein
  • Vitamin A, B12, B6, C, D

Benefits of Cucumber for High Blood Pressure:

1. Potassium

Potassium is an important mineral for regulating your blood pressure. One large cucumber contains 442 mg of potassium.

The recommendation for potassium is to have at least 4,700 mg per day, but the average American diet includes less than 60% of this amount, as per the 2010 Dietary Guidelines from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

2. Sodium

Cucumbers can help in lowering blood pressure because 1 raw cucumber contains only 6 mg of sodium.

A high-sodium diet can cause high blood pressure or prevent you from reducing it, according to the 2010 Dietary Guidelines from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

People with high blood pressure should consume no more than 1,500 mg of sodium per day. Sour, sweet or dill pickled cucumbers can have more than 1,000 mg of sodium per serving.

3. Cucumber Controls Blood Pressure

Cucumber contains a hormone that is needed by the pancreas cells for producing insulin, which is known to be beneficial for diabetic patients. Researchers reported that a compound known as sterols, which are present in cucumbers can help in decreasing levels of cholesterol.

Cucumbers contain plenty of potassium, fiber, and magnesium. These nutrients work effectively in regulating blood pressure. This is the reason why cucumber is good for treating both high blood pressure and low blood pressure.

4. Weight Management

If you are obese or overweight, you may be able to lower your blood pressure by losing excess weight, according to Mayo Clinic. To lose excess weight, you need to consume fewer calories than you expend.

A cucumber with peel, and weighs 301 g, or approximately 11 oz., has only 45 calories. More than 95% of the weight of a cucumber is from water, which is a natural appetite suppressant and calorie-free nutrient, as per the University of Michigan.

Cucumber Juice Recipe:


3 medium cucumbers
1 cup Water (if necessary, to improve consistency)
Lime juice or Lemon (for flavor, if desired)

1. Remove the skin of the cucumbers.
2. Slice the cucumbers into a manageable size.
3. Put the cucumbers into a blender or food processor.
4. Blend for at least 1-2 minutes for even consistency.
5. Pour the blended cucumbers into a cheesecloth or sieve, therefore, allowing the juice to filter into a jar.
6. Squeeze out as much juice as possible by pressing the cucumber fiber with a spoon.
7. Discard the cucumber fiber.
8. Add water, if necessary, and lemon or lime juice, to taste.
9. Store in the refrigerator.
10. Serve and drink.


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1. 13 Cucumber Facts That Will Amaze You
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