Up to 30-40% of cancer can be prevented by improving your eating habits as per the World Cancer Research Fund. Regular consumption of cruciferous vegetables such as watercress, broccoli, kale and spinach is essential.

Cruciferous vegetables are beneficial for your health due to their high levels of dietary fiber, minerals and vitamins and minerals. But a recent research has concluded that adding watercress and broccoli on your diet can help.

These Two Foods are The New Cancer Killer


A research conducted at the South Dakota State University has proven that green vegetables like watercress and broccoli, have the ability to kill as much as 75% of cancer stem cells at least within 24 hours, attacking it right at its source.

As much as 5% of tumors, which contain cancer stem cells can enter the bloodstream and metastasize, even after intensive therapy.

Moul Day, an Associate Professor confirms that even after a cancerous tumor has been treated with radiation or chemotherapy, the stem cells still remain and can continue to develop unnoticed. This fact has inspired her and her colleagues, in finding ways to destroy those stem cells. They have discovered their most lethal weapon, sooner than expected.

As per Moul, “These tiny cells are very difficult to detect in tumors”. She compared it to finding needles in a haystack.

The researchers use a petri dish, to administered phenethyl isothiocyanate or PEITC to cervical cancer cells. They found out that it destroyed 75% of the stem cells within just 24 hours.

What is PEITC?

PEITC is a naturally occurring substance or compounds, that is released during the chewing process of cruciferous vegetables.

Why Watercress and Broccoli?

Watercress and broccoli are full of phytochemicals known as glucosinolates, which helps inhibit the growth of cancer stem cells.

They are are highly alkaline sources of nutrition and rich in antioxidants , which has been proven to reduce the risk of developing various types of cancer. Both also contain lutein, a compound linked by the American Cancer Society that helps reduce reducing the risk of bladder and colorectal cancer significantly.

How Much Do You Need to Consume?

During the study the researchers used at least 20 micromolar concentration of PEITC on cancer stem cells. They further tested a dosage of 5-15 micromolar on mice which proved to be effective as well.

The researchers from the South Dakota State University, also confirmed that the inclusion of just a few ounces of watercress and broccoli in your diet per week, can have a positive effect on reducing the spread and development of cancer stem cells.

You can include broccoli as a regular side dish and try to sprinkle some peppery watercress on soups salads and starchy meals. Your body will thank you for the benefits it will provide.

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