You Do Not Need a Multivitamin If You Eat These 7 Foods

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Whole foods are loaded with nutrients. In fact, getting your nutrients from foods is much better than getting them from supplements.

With that said, some foods are much more nutritious as compared to others. Also, in some cases, just 1 serving of a certain food can satisfy more than 100% of your daily requirements for 1 or more nutrients.

Below are 7 healthy foods that contain higher amount of nutrients than multivitamins.

Foods You Should Eat Instead of Multivitamins:

1. Brazil Nuts (Selenium and Magnesium)

Brazil nuts are the best dietary source of selenium. One Brazil nut may have about 95 mcg of selenium, which is 774% of your daily value.

One ounce of Brazil contains 4 g of protein and 2 g of fiber, which is more than a multivitamin will give you. This same serving will also give you 27% of your RDA for magnesium, 20% of your RDA for phosphorus and 25% of your RDA for copper.

Make sure to stick to your recommended daily value. This is because too much selenium puts your body at risk for health issues and certain diseases.

2. Kale

Kale is very healthy. It is one of the most nutrient-dense foods, and is very high in vitamin K1.

Vitamin K1 is essential for blood clotting, and play a role in bone health.

1 cup, or about 67 grams, of fresh kale contains the following nutrients in very high amounts:

  • Copper: 111% of the RDI
  • Vitamin C: 134% of the RDI
  • Vitamin K1: 900% of the RDI

Also, kale is high in manganese, fiber, potassium, vitamin B6, and iron.

3. Liver (Iron)

Liver is known as to be the most nutritious part of any animal. It is rich in essential nutrients, that includes vitamin A, vitamin B12, folate, iron, and copper.

Vitamin B12 intake is very important, as many people are lacking in it. It plays an important role in brain, cell, and nervous system health.

Beef liver contains high amounts of vitamin A, vitamin B12, and copper. A 100-gram or about 3.5 oz serving may contain the following quantities of these nutrients:

  • Copper: 6–700% of the RDI
  • Vitamin B12: 1200% of the RDI
  • Vitamin A: 6–700% of the RDI

Remember not to eat liver more often than 1-2 times per week, because excessive build-up of these nutrients may occur.

4. Sardines (Omega-3s)

Sardines are nutrient-rich fish. Although they are commonly served in cans, sardines can also be smoked, grilled, or pickled when fresh.

Sardines are very rich in DHA and EPA, essential omega-3 fatty acids that have been associated with improved heart nutrient health.

Just 1 92-gram (3.75 oz) serving contains more than 1/2 of the RDI for these essential fatty acids. Also, it contains over 300% of the RDI for vitamin B12.

Also, sardines contain a little bit of almost every that you need, including high amounts of calcium and selenium.

5. Seaweed (Iodine)

Iodine deficiency is included in the most common nutrient deficiencies in the world, and affects nearly 1/3 of the global population.

Iodine deficiency causes thyroid problems in adults. Also, during pregnancy, it may increase the risk of developmental abnormalities and mental retardation in the unborn child.

Seaweed, including nori, kelp, wakame and kombu, are all very rich in iodine.

The recommended daily intake is about 150 micrograms/day. But, different types of seaweed contain varying amounts of iodine:

  • Kelp: 1 g approximately have 700–1500 micrograms, or 460–1000% of the RDI
  • Wakame: 1 g contains about 30–110 micrograms, which is close to the RDI

Occasional seaweed consumption is a cheap, but effective way to prevent iodine deficiency.

But, some types of seaweed, including kelp, should not be consumed daily. Just 1 gram may exceed the upper level of safe intake, which is about 1100 micrograms per day. This may cause adverse effects.

6. Shellfish (Vitamin B12, Manganese and Zinc)

Shellfish, including oysters and clams, are among the most nutritious types of seafood. Clams are loaded with vitamin B12. In fact, 100 grams provide about 1600% of the RDI. Also, they contain high amounts of potassium, other B-vitamins, iron and selenium.

Oysters are another type of nutritious shellfish. They contain rich amount of vitamin B12 and zinc, with 100 grams containing 2–600% of the RDI.

Oysters and clams may be the perfect food for older individuals, as higher amounts of vitamin B12 are recommended to people after the age of 50. This is due to the ability to absorb vitamin B12 in the digestive system may decrease with age.

7. Yellow Bell Peppers (Vitamin C)

While most of you consider citrus fruits as the go-to for our vitamin C fix, did you know that sweet yellow and red peppers have more vitamin C, as any other citrus fruit?

You will find 100 mg of vitamin C in 1 large orange, but, 341 mg of vitamin C in one large yellow pepper. That is about 569% of your DV!

Red peppers and green peppers are also stellar substitutes, coming in at 209 mg (349% of your DV) and 132 mg (220% of your DV) respectively.

So no matter if you choose citrus fruits one day and sweet peppers the next, your body will be thanking you regardless.

When we’re low on vitamin C, we have “reduced resistance against certain pathogens,” which means it will be easy for harmful attackers to get in our bodies and compromise our health.

Legion Athletics

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1. Radish – Powerhouse of Vitamins, Potassium and Fiber
2. Replace Your Multivitamins With These 25 Foods
3. Vitamins and Supplements: What You Should Take and What to Skip

photo credit: pixabay

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