What to Eat When You are Sick: The Best and Worst Foods

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Are you feeling under the weather? The next time you feel that you may be catching a cold, flu or might be sick, aside from getting a much needed rest and lots of fluid, try to add these foods into your diet plan.

These foods will make your recovery faster and easier. Below are the Best and Worst Foods to Eat When You are Sick:

What to Eat When You are Sick: The Best and Worst Foods

1. Allergy

A rash could be a symptom of an allergy. You should keep a detailed food journal to look for food links that seem to trigger a rash.

Best foods:
Foods that are rich in omega-3, such as fatty fish, like salmon and sardines. Also flax seed oils and walnut, as well as foods high in protein are needed for skin health.

This is because the skin is made up of proteins, therefore a diet rich in protein is necessary for skin protein synthesis.

Worst foods:
The most common foods that may cause itching are chocolate, nuts, tomatoes, fish, berries, eggs, wheat, soy and milk.

2. Cold-Like Symptoms

Best foods:
Broth-Based Soup such as chicken and vegetable soup, citrus fruits, hot tea and Popsicles are the best foods to help kick a cold. These are considered to be phlegm-fighting foods.

Worst foods
Spicy foods and alcohol can cause an immediate runny nose and may even turn into congestion.

3. Constipation

Best foods:
Beans, nuts, oatmeal, prunes, high-fiber whole grain breads, flaxseed, pears, broccoli and apples. Also drinking 6-8 glasses of water daily, helps get things moving.

Most often constipation occurs when you are not eating enough fiber-rich vegetables, whole grains and fruits, which help stimulate digestion. Adults need at least 25-30 grams of fiber per day.

Worst foods
Dairy products, chocolate, narcotics (pain medication) and iron supplements, may worsen constipation.

4. Feeling Nauseous

Best Foods
Pretzels, saltine crackers, dry toast and cereal can help. Fresh or frozen lemon slices, ginger or lemon tea and peppermint also work.

Feeling nauseous and queasy makes all foods sound unappealing, but the right foods can help ease symptoms by calming stomach acids. Also remember to keep small portions of food and odors to a minimum.

Worst Foods
Spicy, greasy, caffeine, oily foods, carbonated drinks and alcohol can make nausea worse.

5. Headaches

One of the leading causes of headaches is dehydration. It is best to treat that cause first and see if it relieves the pain.

Best foods:
Water and other beverages are the best drink to get rid of headache. Drink water and wait for at least 20 minutes to see if you feel better.

Caffeine can also help in small doses. But for each cup of coffee or tea, drink an equal amount of water to avoid dehydration.

Worst foods
Headache-triggering foods include MSG, artificial sweeteners, aged cheeses (blue, stilton) that contain tyramine, red wine, chocolate, hot dogs, dried fruit and deli meats.

MSG is metabolized to glutamate, an excitatory neurotransmitter in the brain. While Tyramine are linked to increased blood pressure, that can trigger headaches.

6. Muscle Ache

Foods that can help ease muscle aches, depend on the specific reason for the body aches. For general muscle aches, foods that contain calcium and magnesium, may help ease soreness.

Best foods:
Foods that are rich in magnesium includes, bananas, nuts, leafy greens, beans and avocados. For calcium rich foods, yogurt, canned salmon, dark-green leafy greens and orange juice, can help lessen muscle pain and cramping.

Worst foods:
Avoid any beverages that dehydrates you, because it can worsen muscle aches. These include caffeine and alcohol.

7. Sore Throat

Best foods:
Creamy, soft foods such as mashed potatoes, cream soups, scrambled eggs, yogurt and custards are soothing foods. Mix lukewarm peppermint tea, which has analgesic effects and Manuka honey, which is familiar for its wound-healing properties.

Worst foods:
Avoid nuts, potato chips, granola, which are considered to be hard and scratchy foods. The acidic juices from vegetables and raw fruits and vegetables, as well as grape juice, orange juice and lemonade can also irritate a sore throat. Also avoid hot liquids.

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