Fruits have various benefits when it comes to skin care. Not only consuming them is beneficial but using them as facial, mask or scrub has remarkable effects on any skin type.

One of the most effective fruits you can use is the luscious red wonder strawberry.
They are consider to be super fruits with lots of vitamin C and powerful anti-oxidants that will provide your skin with nourishing nutrients.

If used regularly, strawberries can do wonders in giving your face and skin a shine and healthy glow. Below are 10 methods you can use to get the most benefits out of strawberries.

What Makes Strawberry So Good for Your Skin?

Nutrients in Strawberry:

1. Dietary Fibre

Strawberries are a good source of dietary fibre which helps in eliminating harmful toxins in your bodies. Dietary fibre is also proven to be useful in regulating bowel movement, thus preventing constipation, which is a known factor for pimples and acne.

2. Folic Acid

Folic acid helps in the production of new cells in your bodies and in cell regeneration.

3. Vitamin C

Vitamin C is beneficial to your skin because it fights of free radicals that removes oxygen from healthy cells. Also it destroys collagen, which encourages pronounced lines to appear on the skin.

10 Beauty Benefits of Strawberries:

1. Anti-aging Properties

Strawberries contain the anti-oxidant ellagic acid, which helps in preventing collagen destruction, which is one of the major causes of wrinkle formation. Ellagic acid has a photo-protective effect that prevents UV damage by stifling the production of MMP.

MMP are enzymes that contribute in destruction of collagen. This helps in the prevention of wrinkles from forming on the skin, which provides a healthy supple look to your face.

How To:
1. Prepare anti-aging face mask using 1 teaspoon of honey, 2 teaspoons of milk cream and ½ cup of mashed strawberries.
2. Combine the ingredients thoroughly.
3. Apply the paste mixture all over your face and neck.
4. Allow it to sit for at least 20-25 minutes
5. Wash it off with cool water.
6. Pat dry.

Use this face pack mixture at least once a week.

2. Glowing Complexion

The juice of strawberries plays an important role in lightening skin. This is due to its ellagic acid.

How to:
To maximize its benefits, use fresh strawberry juice on your skin. You can clean the mask off, after it dries.

3. Lightens Dark Lips

Strawberries contain important vitamins and minerals that can help treat dark lips. Also, it helps exfoliate dead skin cells that make your lips appear dull and dark. Its hydrating nature helps plump and liven up your lips.

How to:
1. Mash 1 strawberry.
2. Gently rub the flesh on your lips for a couple of minutes. Leave the juice to sit for at least 5 minutes.
3. Rinse off using lukewarm water.

Do this for at least a few times a week.

4. Perfect Scrub

Strawberries can be use as a scrub on the skin and foot. It contains higher concentration of alpha hydroxyl acid which is helpful in exfoliating off the dead skin cells. Also, it helps cleanse the pores and tighten the skin , whereas honey acts as a moisturizing agent. Doing this routine method for at least thrice a week will give you a healthy skin, within few months.

How to:
1. You can make an excellent scrub mixture using a cup of strawberry pulp with the seeds and honey added to it, to exfoliate dead cells.
2. Massage gently on your skin and lips.

5. Prevents Acne

Strawberries are one of the key ingredients for acne-prone skin. Their acidic nature helps in removing excess sebum, one of the prime causes of acne.

In addition, it contains fiber that helps get rid of harmful toxins from your body. Toxins are a known factor for pimples and acne. Consume strawberries and also apply the below face mask.

How to:
1. Mash 5-6 ripe strawberries.
2. Add 1 tablespoon of sour cream or unsweetened and low-fat yogurt to make a smooth paste.
3. Apply to areas in your face.
4. Leave on for 10 minutes.
5. Rinse off with cool water.

Use this remedy at least twice a week to prevent pimples and acne.

6. Prevents Oily Skin

Excess oil secretion makes your skin look oily. This is when you can use strawberries to prevent oily skin.

How to:
You can apply strawberry pulp directly on the skin or add it to your face masks, to help you get rid of oily skin. It is rich in Vitamin C, which helps remove and nourish the excess oil on the skin.

7. Protects Your Skin from UV Rays

The antioxidants and ellagic acid present in strawberries protect your skin from the damaging UV rays.This is why many treatments and products use strawberries for skin care.

8. Use as Massage Oil

Strawberry seed oil is considered to be rich yet very light at the same time. This makes it an excellent massage oil.

Also, it gets absorbed into your skin easily, which leaves your skin well hydrated and moisturized. You apply strawberry seed oil to your entire body after a shower or bath.

9. For Under-eye Puffiness

Strawberries have anti-inflammatory compounds. It helps treat dark circles and under-eye puffiness , giving you a fresh look even after not having enough sleep.

How to:
1. Refrigerate 1 to 2 strawberries for about 30 minutes.
2. Remove their tops and cut into thick slices.
3. Place the slices over your face and leave on for about 15 minutes.
4. Remove the slices and wash your face using cold water.

You can do this at night before going to bed.

10. Whiter Teeth

Strawberries provide a natural way to help whiten your teeth. Its vitamin C content helps breakdown plaque which causes your teeth to appear yellow. Also, its malic acid component, helps transform yellow teeth into pearly whites.

How to:
1. Grind 1 to 2 strawberries into a paste mixture
2. Rub the paste into your teeth for a couple of minutes.
3. Rinse your mouth using warm water.

Do this at least twice daily for a few weeks.

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