What are the Benefits of Drinking This Health Boosting Tea Daily?

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Turmeric and cayenne pepper are packed with health benefits that will help keep your body working in good condition and shape. But did you know the best way to get its full benefits?

What are the Benefits of Drinking This Health Boosting Tea Daily?
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One of the best way is to put them in your morning tea. Below is a simple recipe you can try and get to know the reasons why you should drink this particular tea every morning.

Cayenne and Turmeric Tea

1 tsp cayenne pepper
1 tsp turmeric
1 tsp raw honey
1/2 lemon juice

1. Put the turmeric and cayenne pepper in a glass cup.
2. Add the lemon juice in it.
3. Put boiled water and stir in honey.
4. Drink twice daily.

Health Benefits of Turmeric and Cayenne Tea

1. Brain Health

Turmeric can help improve the oxygen intake of the brain, which can help in the brain’s functions and processes. When the brain functions at its best, you increase the uptake of hormones, such as melatonin and seratonin. By healing the basic functioning of the brain, you can also heal other mental illnesses.

2. Helps Prevent Cancer

Studies have proven that turmeric has ability to prevent cancer. Curcumin contains cancer preventing properties by killing cancer cells by preventing their growth and boosting antioxidant levels in the body.

Regular consumption of cayenne pepper has a positive effect in preventing cancer, aside from the capsaicin it contains. It also contains a good amount of antioxidants, which are important in defending against the attacks of bacteria, viruses and other diseases including cancer.

3. Improves Digestion

Cayenne helps relieve the intestinal gas to improve digestive health and stimulate the digestive tract.

4. Protects Your Heart

Cayenne pepper has the ability to help clear arteries and lower high blood pressure. You will improve your heart health over time if you keep drinking cayenne tea.

5. Skin and Aging Health

Turmeric contains many healing properties for the skin. It is known for its natural anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties. It is also great for improving the texture of your skin due to its antioxidant content.

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