Experts say that vitamin B5 or pantothenic acid is one of the most important members of the B vitamins because it carries out an assortment of roles for the proper functioning of the body. Since it is present in so many common foods, it is said that the average US diet is very less likely to be deficient in it.

Vitamin B5 is primarily known to help in the synthesis of various nutrients such as carbohydrates, fats and amino acids — the building blocks of protein. It is known to help reduce stress as well as manage mental problems such as depression and anxiety by regulating the hormones associated with these conditions. Vitamin B5 also promotes a healthy cardiovascular system and a strong immunity system.

The roles of vitamin B5 does not stop there. Since it helps regulate the metabolism and partakes in the synthesis of several different nutrients, it helps in reducing weakness and fatigue. It is also a beauty vitamin! Vitamin B5 is said to keep the skin looking beautiful and prevents the early appearance of aging signs like wrinkles and fine lines. Also, the nutrient is known to help prevent the graying of hair, allowing you to look younger than your age.

Top Food Sources of Vitamin B5

Below you will find some of the top sources of vitamin B5. Including them in your everyday diet allows you to obtain good amounts of the nutrient and prevent deficiency in it which may cause vomiting, insomnia, anemia, muscular contraction, skin abnormalities and burning foot syndrome.


Shiitake mushrooms supply as much as 52% of your recommended daily allowance of vitamin B5 per 1/2-cup serving. Also wonderful sources of this nutrient are crimini mushrooms. These excellent sources of vitamin B5 also supply your body with copper, selenium, manganese, and vitamins B2, B3 and B6.


Enjoying a cup of sliced avocados provides you with 42% of your everyday vitamin B5 needs. These tropical fruits can be eaten as they are or added to smoothies, salads, oatmeal or dips — you have no excuse to dodge avocados! Copper, folate, potassium, and vitamins B6, C, E and K are also found in avocados.

Sweet Potatoes

A cup of cooked sweet potatoes yields up to 35% of your daily requirement of vitamin B5. It’s no secret that sweet potatoes are also loaded with dietary fiber that helps prevent constipation and lowers your risk of having colon cancer. These good sources of vitamin B5 also have manganese, copper, biotin, potassium, and vitamins A, B3, B6 and C.


If you want to obtain good amounts of protein from non-animal food products, reach for some legumes. Lentils are some of the most impressive sources of vitamin B5 among all the legumes out there — 25% of your daily needs of the vitamin in a 1-cup serving. Including peas and beans in your diet is a great idea too.

Chicken and Turkey

A 4-ounce serving of chicken provides your body with as much as 22% of your recommended daily allowance of vitamin B5. On the other hand, you can get 20% of it from the same amount of turkey. Remember to opt for the breast part and remove the skin to reduce your intake of saturated fats while increasing vitamin B5 in the diet.

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