How to Use Lemons Peels for Your Skin, Nails and Feet

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Lemon is a large storehouse of vitamin C, which can effectively help in brightening and lightening the skin. But, did you know that lemon peels also have lots of benefits for your skin if used topically?

Therefore, do not throw away lemon peels right after squeezing a lemon, because it can beautify your skin. To use, dry up the lemon peels in the sun, grind them to a fine powder and use this powder in your beauty routine. Here’s how to use lemon rinds in your beauty applications.

How to Use Lemons Peels for Your Skin, Nails and Feet
beauty uses of lemon / photo credit: pixabay

Health Benefits of Lemon Peels:

1. Lemon Peels Face Mask

Lemon peel and lemon juice both contain high amounts of vitamin C and natural bleaching properties. If you want to lighten your skin tone, use this mask.

1. Place 1 tablespoon lemon juice, lemon peel powder, and organic honey, in a clean bowl.
2. Mix all the ingredients well and form a smooth paste.
3. Apply this paste in a thick coat all over your neck and face, leaving out the sensitive under-eye areas.
4. Leave on for 20 minutes and rinse with lukewarm water.

2. Lemon Peels for Soft Feet

The combination of petroleum jelly and lemon peels, is a natural remedy to accelerate the healing of cracked and dry feet.

Both ingredients work to naturally exfoliate your feet, while also removing dead cells and other impurities, which contribute to dryness.

Petroleum jelly is one of the most recommended natural products you can use for moisturizing your feet as it protects the skin and retains moisture.


1 Tbsp Grated lemon peels
1 Tbsp Petroleum jelly
1 cloth wrap

1. Freeze the lemon and then grate the peel.
2. Mix the grated lemon peels with the tablespoon of petroleum jelly to make a cream.
3. Rub the mixture on your feet.
4. Wrap your feet overnight with cloth. Let it work overnight.
5. Rinse first thing in the morning.


Using this remedy 2-3 times a week, will get you softer and well-moisturized feet. You can
use this as a part of your pedicure routine, as an alternative to conventional exfoliants.

3. Lemon as Nail Whitener:

Are you searching for a natural nail whitener? Here is a quick remedy for you.

1. Take a few drops of lemon juice.
2. Apply it on your nails.
3. Rub your nails with a lemon peel for some time.

Do this for 1 week to enjoy clear and white. If you have discoloration or white spots use lemon peels regularly.

Related Articles:
1. How to Use Banana Peel as Anti-aging and to Lighten Your Skin
2. How to Use Potato Peels for Skin Whitening and Shiny Hair
3. Beauty Uses of Orange Peels for Acne Skin Whitening and Toner

photo credit: pixabay

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