How to Use Lemons as Scrub for Your Hands, Face & Body

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The juice of lemon contains the highest amount of vitamin C, which makes it the perfect ingredient in promoting healthier skin with that natural glow. The citric acid that is present in lemon juice helps in removing the dead cells from the deep layers of your skin.

Also, the vitamin C in lemon juice helps in lightening your skin tone, reduces the pigmentation and dark age spots on your skin. Lemon juice is even considered as a natural skin bleaching agent that helps in lightening your skin tone in just a single application.

Now that you know about the amazing qualities of lemon juice, the face scrub recipes below are definitely a must try to get that smooth skin.

How to Use Lemons as Scrub for Your Hands, Face & Body
lemons to get that smooth skin / pixabay

1. Lemon with Sugar Hand Scrub


1/3 cup olive oil (or you can use any oil of your choice)
2/3 cup sugar
Juice of 1/2 lemon (or about 1.5 tbsp)
Pinch of 2 lemon zest

1. In a jar, mix together the sugar, oil, zest and lemon juice.
2. Place in the fridge with cover for maximum freshness.
3. You can use the scrub on your hands, elbows, feet, face, knees and body.

– The finer the sugar you use, the less rough the scrub will be. You can use a fine white sugar, since those tend to be thinner and more delicate on the skin.
– For a body scrub, you can use a coarser sugar such as brown sugar or even a coarse sea salt.
– If you are using this on your face, make sure to use a cleanser afterwards to remove the oil.

2. Lemon Juice with Honey Face Scrub

Honey contains skin cleansing and skin moisturizing properties. This makes it the perfect food for smooth skin. Combining honey with lemon juice will help in lightening the skin tone, moisturizing it and will also leave it glowing.

Try this incredible remedy to have a glowing skin now!


2 teaspoon lemon juice
2 teaspoon organic honey
Cotton ball

1. Mix the lemon juice and organic honey.
2. Use the cotton ball to dip into the lemon juice and organic honey mixture.
3. Apply it all over your neck and face.
4. Leave on your face for about 15-20 minutes.
5. Wash your face with water and pat your skin dry.

This mixture can be applied at least twice in a day, for three weeks to have that smooth skin.

3. Lemon and Coffee Body Scrub Recipe

Coffee grounds
Lemon zest
Epsom salts (or organic granulated sugar)
Organic coconut oil

1. Put 2 tablespoons of organic coconut oil into a microwave safe dish.
2. Put half cup of epsom salt into the coconut oil. Then mix well.
3. Add 2 tablespoon coffee grounds or as you desired.
4. Wash the lemon.
5. Use a zester to remove half of the rind.
6. Add to the coffee scrub mixture.
7. Mix well.
8. Place the mixture into the jar.

Read More:
1. Did You Know You Can Do This Amazing Beauty Hacks With Lemon
2. How to Effectively Use Lemon to Get Rid of Dandruff
3. How to Get Rid of Blackheads Using Lemon Juice and Cinnamon Strips

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