Olive oil originates from the Mediterranean-region olive tree. It is a liquid fat obtained from olives, which is then created by pressing the olives. Oil naturally contains healthy fatty acids which helps skin looks smooth, supple, and clear.

It has a long history of being used as a home remedy for skincare. In ancient times Egyptians used it alongside beeswax as a moisturizer, cleanser and antibacterial agent.
Rich in vitamin A and E, olive oil helps hydrates the skin, maintains its elasticity and softness giving you younger looking skin. It also helps skin cells to regenerate. Here are 5 uses of olive oil:

How Olive Oil Can Make You Look Younger
beauty benefits of olive oil / pixabay

1. Olive Oil Bath

To prepare the olive oil bath, all you have to do is add 5 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil into your bathtub or if you want to add a little more spice to your regimen you can massage with extra virgin olive oil into your body before your dip into the tub. Then pat fry all the excess oil in your body. This very simple, yet amazing beauty secret can make your skin soft and very smooth.

Olive oil contains three major antioxidants: Vitamin E, phytosterols and polyphenols, And when it is topically applied, it helps in protecting the skin from premature skin aging. Vitamin E is responsible for its anti-aging benefits, mainly because it helps in restoring skin smoothness and protect it against ultraviolet light.

2. Olive Oil Eye Cream

All you have to do is to put olive oil in a small container then put it in the refrigerator, for about 1-2 hours you can already use it as an eye cream. Gently dab some of your olive oil cream under your eyes before bed time or in the morning and enjoy refreshing, vitamin filled beauty treatment. It will soften fine lines and nourish tender skin around your eyes.

3. Olive Oil as Face Masks

This easy home made regimen will not take you long to make. First you have to prepare around a medium sized container then mix one egg yolk with a table spoon of olive oil, you may also add a tea spoon of lemon juice if you want whiten your skin, as lemon is known for being rich in antioxidants specially vitamin c.

Then you can now apply this mixture to your clean face for about 10 minutes, rinse it with warm then cold water (cold water is used to help close pores in your skin). This beauty regimen can be used for normal or dry skin, it nourishes and softens your skin with an added glow.

4. Olive Oil as a Make-Up Remover

With just a few drops of olive oil on a cotton ball, you can now remove your make up, up, just when cant find your make up remover this will come in handy. With a gentle touch, slowly draw the ball across your lids or into your cheeks for softer skin and to help prevent wrinkles.

If you have a heavy make up on, to remove it you have to massage an ample amount of olive oil into your face, then wipe it off with wash cloth sturated with warm water. Repeat it couple of times if necessary, always do it on a gentle motion. Then rinse your face with warm water then splash with cold alternately to help tighten up pores and stimulate circulation.

5. Olive Oil as an Exfoliator

One of its benefits for your skin is its use an an exfoliating agent. This very easy exfoliating method only takes 2 ingredients sea salt and olive oil. Mix 1 table spoon of the oil with the sea salt, then rub it gently into your skin. The sea salt’s mild and abrasive qualities in combination with the deep penetrating action of oil, will then remove dead skin cells and leave your skin smooth, renewed and glowing.

Read More:
1. Look 10 Years Younger With Rice Water Face Mask
2. Natural Anti-Aging Treatments
3. Ancient Beauty Remedies You Should Try for Better Skin

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