Gout can cause an attack of sudden stiffness, swelling and burning pain in the joint, usually the big toe. The attacks can repeatedly happen, unless gout is treated. Over time, they may cause harm in your tissues, joints and tendons.

Individuals with gout either produce too much uric acid or their kidneys are inadequate in removing it. There are a number of possible causes of this build-up of uric acid in the body. These include kidney stones, acute and chronic gouty arthritis and local deposits of uric acid in other tissues.

Your risk of getting gout are higher if you eat too much meat and fish that are high in purines, are overweight or drink too much alcohol. Some medicines, such as water pills or diuretics, may also bring on gout.

By making a mixture of these ingredients and tapping into their natural healing properties, you can help relieve your symptoms. This is similar to how a non-steroidal and anti-inflammatory would work. You can start with this drink for gout.

How Drinking This Beverage Can Help With Gout
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Ginger, Cherry, Pineapple and Turmeric Drink

1 pineapple
1 cup tart cherry juice
2-3 tsps powdered ginger or 1 inch of a fresh ginger root
1-2 tsps powdered turmeric
Honey (optional)
Glass container with a tight lid

1. Cut the stem and skin of the pineapple. Then slice the pineapple into chunks and put into your food processor or blender.
2. Blend or whirl them around until they are evenly mashed up.
3. Pour 1 cup of tart cherry juice. Then sprinkle 2-3 teaspoons of ginger and 1-2 teaspoons of turmeric.
4. Store in an airtight glass container in the fridge for at least a week and a half.

How to Take It:

You can choose to take it daily Like nettle tea. This might help prevent a gout attack or you can take a glass as needed for the pain when it flares up.

– You can add honey to taste.
– You can also choose to use lesser or greater amount of turmeric and ginger depending on how you like it.
– The drink will last up to a month in the refrigerator. If you make it on a regular basis, you can make one big batch and then do a new one at the end of the month.
– If it is not possible for you to get a pineapple, there are bromein supplements you can use. Do not use canned or preserved pineapple as the enzymes will have been killed off by heat used in the manufacturing process.

Health Benefits:

Ginger Root
Ginger root contains gingerols, an active component known to be related to capsaicin. Gingerols are structured like that of capsaicin on a molecular level. This means that it may help inhibit the signals sent to your brain that trigger pain. It also lessen the enzymes which causes inflammation.

Pineapple has an enzyme known as bromelain, which has been shown to be useful in reducing inflammation.

Bromelain works because it affects prostaglandin synthesis or it interferes with the hormones that send the signal that something should swell up. Also, bromelain is an enzyme that digests proteins and gout has been associated to diets high in protein, which can cause an excess of uric acid build up in the blood.

Tart Cherry Juice
Cherries have been associated to lowering levels of uric acid. It is possible that it can help prevent an attack if consumed regularly.

Turmeric has curcumin, which is associated with pain relief. Curcumin blocks the production of the protein which signals blood vessels to enlarge.

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