It can be very easy for your skin pores to get clogged up. Some common culprits include dead skin cells, excess oils and dirt. Blocked pores may get inflamed and end up as tiny bumps. While they are certainly not life-threatening and commonly painless, they can get really annoying.

Your forehead is one of the areas of the body where it’s very likely for the skin pores to end up clogged. This doesn’t really come as a surprise because the forehead is part of the T-zone — that section of the face that tends to be very oily and shiny. Luckily, there are certain home remedies known to work effectively in getting rid of those bumps on your forehead. Here are some of the best ones:

Steam Your Face

Opening up the pores allows impurities to get flushed out, thus making those tiny bumps go away on their own. A good way to do this is by having your face steamed. Fortunately, there’s no need to buy one of those really expensive at-home face steamers. Simply fill a basin with hot water, lean over it and drape a towel over your head. Stay there for about 15 minutes to let the steam do its job. It’s a good idea to steam your face twice a week.

Exfoliate with Sugar

Skip buying those pricey exfoliating preparations you can buy these days at pharmacies and beauty stores. All you have to do is combine a couple of tablespoons of sugar and some lemon juice. Gently massage the mixture on your forehead using circular motions to unclog those pores. After doing it for 5 minutes, rinse your face with cold water to close the pores.

Purify with Baking Soda

Mixing a couple of tablespoons of baking soda and a few drops of water results in an effective clogged pore-busting paste. Simply massage this paste on trouble areas gently with your fingertips to remove impurities. Leave the paste there for a few minutes to get dirt, debris and excess oils dissolved. Rinse off and pat dry. For stubborn bumps on the forehead, it’s a good idea to daub this baking soda paste on them before going to bed and wash off with water in the morning.

Use an Egg White Mask

Crack an egg and place the white portion in a small bowl. Beat with a fork until frothy, then stash in the fridge for a few minutes. Once cool, add a few drops of lemon juice to it, beat once more, and spread a thin layer on your forehead. Allow it to stay there for about 10 minutes or until completely dry. Wash your face with lukewarm water.

Apply Oatmeal

Cook half a cup of oatmeal according to package directions. Allow to cool completely and mix 1 tablespoon of olive oil into it. Apply on the forehead where those annoying painless bumps can be found. After 15 minutes, wipe off with soft clean cloth and wash your face with cold water. Oatmeal not only helps remove dead skin cells and dirt, but also absorbs excess oils that can leave the skin pores clogged up.

Purify with Raw Papaya

Raw papaya is a wonderful skin purifier that helps unclog pores as well as deal with inflammation. To start getting rid of those bumps on your forehead, simply grate a small piece of raw papaya. Gently massage the pulp and juice on problem areas for a few minutes. Wash your face thoroughly with lukewarm water afterwards.

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