It is a fact that men are more likely to lose their hair than women. This is mostly due to male pattern baldness.

But, hair loss and thinning hair are also common in women, and are demoralizing. Reasons can vary from a vitamin deficiency to more complex issue, such as an underlying health condition.

In many cases, there are many ways to treat both female and male hair loss. It all depends on the cause. Below are some reasons why you might be seeing less hair on your head.

Hair Loss in Women: Causes and Treatment
causes and treatment
for hair loss / photo credit: pinterest

5 Causes of Hair Loss in Women:

1. Birth Control Pills

Changing to a different type of hormonal contraception or going off the pill can also cause hormone-induced shedding. Whether you are just starting it, changing brands or discontinuing it, your body can react by causing the hair to go into an increased shedding mode.

2. Dieting

New studies have reported a direct correlation between your nutritional intake and hair growth. If you have inadequate calcium, iron, protein, vitamin A, vitamin B or biotin intake, hair loss can arise.

3. Dry shampoo

Dry shampoos have become more popular in recent years. These shampoos wash the hair quickly and keep it looking clean. But, when over-using this product, it can clog pores and irritates the scalp. Thus, it irritates your hair’s growth cycle and weakens the follicles.

4. Over-processing of Hair

Getting frequent chemical straightening, relaxing procedures, perms or basically anything that uses harsh chemicals on your scalp and hair can damage the hair follicle, and this can cause permanent hair loss.

After repeated insults, the hair follicles just won’t grow back. This can cause your hair to appear thinner, and may be most noticeable on the scalp.

5. Stress

Excess stress can make your hair fall out. But how do this happen?

Stress can raise androgen or the male hormone levels, which in turn can cause hair loss. Stress may also trigger scalp problems, including dandruff, mess with your digestive system and disrupt your eating habit, all of which can have a negative impact on your hair.

5 Natural Treatment for Hair Loss in Women:

1. Be Smart About Styling

That messy topknot may look cool, but did you know that it could being placing stress on your hair strands? Avoid hairstyles that place traction on your hair follicles and hair. Also, avoid serums and heavy styling creams, as they can add unnecessary weight to your hair.

2. Eat More Protein

Hair is made up of protein, which makes adequate daily intake of protein rich foods essential. You must include at least a palm sized portion of protein for your breakfast, and lunch (approx. 120g in weight)..

3. Massage

Massaging your head in the shower can help improve blood flow to the scalp. This will make a better environment for hair growth, and it will also help the penetration of any treatment shampoos you use.

4. Vitamin D

Hair follicles are very sensitive to hormones, therefore, vitamin D plays an important role in calcium homeostasis, cell development and immune regulation.

Alopecia areata is very common with persons who have a vitamin D deficiency. Vitamin D is best absorbed from direct sun exposure.

Experts said that just 10 minutes of direct sun exposure will allow your bodies to absorb about 10,000 units of vitamin D. Also, you can get vitamin D in your diet from yogurt, cheese, tofu, eggs and salmon.

5. Zinc

Zinc has been use traditionally to treat hair loss. Its potential benefits include crucial enzyme development and hair follicle growth. Also, it stops hair follicle regression and accelerates the recovery of hair follicles.

You can get zinc from dark chocolate, nuts, seeds, beans and mushrooms.

Read More:
1. Prevent Hair Loss by Eating These Foods
2. Stop Hair Loss by Using This Amazing Leaves
3. Stop Hair Loss by Using This DIY Scalp Massage

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