Find Out How This Fruit Helps to Improve Your Memory

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Most of you don’t know that that strawberries are great for improving your overall brain functioning and memory. Various studies have shown the ability of strawberries to prevent and even reverse the mental decline that occurs with aging.

Strawberry is a herbaceous plant which was discovered first in Chile. This tiny red fruit with black spots are very healthy.

But aside from being luscious and one of the most colorful essences of summer, this fruit contains a powerful compound that can make a significant difference in improving, treating and protecting against many diseases in your body.

Find Out How This Fruit Helps to Improve Your Memory
strawberry helps improve memory / pixabay

How Strawberry Helps in Improving Memory:

This compound called fisetin, has been reported to help in preventing toxicity, decreasing pain, maintaining energy and improving your energy levels on a macro level, which gives more specific benefits in your overall health.

What is Fisetin?

Fisetin was only identified, when researchers isolated plant flavonols with the ability to protect brain cells from degeneration. This is similar to the flavonol quercetin, which is a sirtuin-activating compound that mimics the natural effects of calorie restriction, which is a well-studied anti-aging strategy.

Also, fisetin is a flavanol, pressent in apples, persimmons, grapes, mangoes, onions and cucumbers, but strawberries contain the most by far, according to a 2013 study. A Japanese study showed that the highest concentration of fisetin was found in strawberries, which is 160 μg/g, or microgram/gram.

While fisetin contains antioxidant properties, that can help in curbing cell damage caused by free radicals, one of the most dramatic ways it affects your health is toward your brain. Studies indicate it can help in preventing Alzheimer’s and other age-related neurodegenerative diseases.

Fisetin on Brain Aging: 

A study in 2014 focused on memory loss in mice due to familial Alzheimer’s, which accounts for only 3% of cases. The study tested possible fisetin advantages on sporadic Alzheimer’s disease, with the most common type that is associated with age.

Fisetin on Its Neuroprotective Aspects:

Aluminum chloride, a neurotoxin, that is a common ingredient in antiperspirants. Fisetin has been reported to protect against the damaging effects of this common household ingredient. Fisetin was reported to help lower elevated levels of ammonia in blood or hyperammonemia, with the potential to damage vital brain functions in hyperammonemic rats.

Fisetin on Brain Degeneration:

A 2004 study, revealed that as a flavonoid, fisetin protects nerve cells from oxidative stress through “multiple mechanisms.”. Fisetin was most the effective at causing new brain growth, among flavonoids.

Read More:
1. 10 Foods to Boost Your Brain Power, Memory and Health
2. Avoid Memory Loss by Skipping These Foods
3. Flaxseed Berry and Pomegranate Smoothie to Prevent Memory Loss, Improve Cognitive Function and Boost Your Protein Intake

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