Diet Recommendations for Peripheral Neuropathy

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Diet Recommendations for Peripheral NeuropathyDo you experience pain, numbness, tingling or burning sensation in the hands or feet? It could be peripheral neuropathy, a condition wherein there’s damage to the nerves caused by an assortment of factors like injuries, diabetes, infections and exposure to toxins. It’s important to be seen by a specialist to receive proper diagnosis and treatment for it.

Commonly, medications are prescribed to deal with the symptoms of peripheral neuropathy. Opting for the right kind of diet for it can work to your advantage too. Read on to learn some of the foods to eat and avoid if you have this condition.

Eat Foods Rich in B-Vitamins

B-vitamins are well-known for their roles in converting food to energy that the body can use. However, they are also very important for nerve health and functioning. Because peripheral neuropathy involves damage to the nerves, it makes perfect sense why eating foods rich in B-vitamins is highly recommendable for someone who is suffering from it.

Eggs, legumes, nuts, seeds, and beef and pork liver are wonderful sources of vitamin B1 (thiamine). Foods rich in vitamin B2 (riboflavin) are milk and milk products, as well as dark green leafy vegetables. Fish, chicken and turkey are excellent sources of vitamin B3 (niacin). To supply your body with sufficient amounts of vitamin B6 (pyridoxine), make sure you consume potatoes, bananas, poultry, fish and other seafood. Eating dairy products, meat and fish allows you to get your dose of vitamin B12 (cobalamin).

Consume Plenty of Fruits and Vegetables

Having a well-balanced diet is one of your first defenses against all sorts of health problems. Nothing can be healthier than a diet that is packed with fruits and vegetables. They contain impressive amounts of vitamins, minerals, fiber and antioxidants which help protect various cells and tissues of your body from damage, and they include your nerves.

A diet consisting of excellent amounts of fruits and vegetables also helps you shed off excess pounds. Reduction of weight is something that can benefit someone who is suffering from peripheral neuropathy. If you have the condition, it’s a good idea to have an ideal weight because it’s good not only for peripheral neuropathy but also your health in general.

Fruits and vegetables also help stabilize blood sugar level, benefiting someone with diabetes. One of the probable causes of peripheral neuropathy is diabetes. If you have this condition, it’s a good idea to carefully mind your diet to prevent unwanted spikes in blood sugar that can cause or aggravate peripheral neuropathy.

Have Protein-Rich Foods

Protein is a nutrient that helps in repairing various tissues of the body, including your nerves. That is why a diet with good amounts of protein can be good for you if you are suffering from peripheral neuropathy.

Some excellent sources of protein include poultry and lean meat cuts that contain fewer saturated fats. Eggs, milk and dairy products like cheese and yogurt also contain protein. There are also a handful of protein sources that are not animal products. Some excellent ones include tofu, tempeh, soymilk, beans, peas, nuts, seeds, quinoa, edamame and leafy greens.

Foods to Avoid

If there are foods that you should include in your diet, there are also those that you should steer clear of or limit. Some foods that are known to contribute to the development of peripheral neuropathy or aggravate the condition are those that include: refined grains, gluten, saturated fat and added sugar.

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