You maybe thinking that you are protected from air pollution when you are inside your home, but sorry to burst your bubble, but indoor air at your home is likely more toxic than the air outside. There are various variety of toxic chemicals lurking in your home.

These include volatile organic compounds (VOCs), which are emitted as gases from ingredients found in many synthetic products in your home. These are cleaners, aerosol sprays, paints, insect repellants, stored automotive products, varnishes, markers, adhesives, vinyl floors and even your upholstery.

The good news is there are cheap, easy, green tools at your disposal to help get rid of these pollutants and purify your home. These 8 plants can help protect your family from air pollution and beautify your home.

1. Bamboo Palm

8 Indoor Plants that Purify the Air in Your Home
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Bamboo palm is a superstar of filtering formaldehyde. These palms thrive in bright light or full sun. The reason they can filter so much air is because they can grow to be as tall as 4 to 12 feet high, which makes them an exciting indoor additions.

2. Boston Fern

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Boston Fern removes more formaldehyde as compared to any other plant. Also, it is highly efficient in removing indoor air pollutants, including xylene and benzene components of gasoline exhaust that can migrate indoors if you have an attached garage.

This plant needs to be fed weekly in seasons when they are growing and monthly during the winter, plus it should be watered regularly. Depending on the moisture and humidity levels in your home, you may need to water them or mist their leaves daily.

3. English Ivy

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This climbing vine thrives in small spaces. It also fares well in rooms with little sunlight and few windows.

Its dense foliage excels at absorbing formaldehyde—the most prevalent indoor pollutant, says Wolverton—which shows up in wood floorboard resins and synthetic carpet dyes.

4. Garden Mum

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This plant is known to be an air-purifying champion, removing benzene, ammonia, xylene and formaldehyde from indoor air. Popular and inexpensive at garden stores, they can also be planted outside after they are finished blooming.

5. Golden Pothos

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Though golden pothos are not high on the list of formaldehyde removers, this plant is a tough one to kill. It can tolerate a lot of neglect, is relatively effective at removing many air pollutants, forgiving when over-watered and is a great starter houseplant for people without much indoor-gardening experience.

6. Peace Lily

peace lily / pixabay

Peace lily is one of the few houseplants that blooms indoor. It is one of the best plants for removing formaldehyde, benzene and certain VOCs that are emitted by harsh cleaning products. This makes it as another good office plant if your maintenance staff does not use green cleaners.

Also, it prefers low-light conditions and has a high transpiration rate that will humidify your air. Always remember that its leaves can be poisonous to children and pets.

7. Rubber Plant

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Rubber plant are bred for toughness, it can tolerate dim light and cool temperatures, which makes it an excellent house plant. This plant is easy to grow and it is great for removing chemical toxins from indoor environment, in particular formaldehyde. It is best in direct, bright sunlight to indirect and medium sunlight.

8. Snake Plant

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Snake plant is also known as mother-in-law’s tongue. This sharp-leafed plant thrives in low light. During the night, it absorbs carbon dioxide and releases oxygen (a reversal of the process that most plants undergo). Place a couple and put them in your bedroom for a slight oxygen boost while you are sleeping. It also rids the air of formaldehyde and benzene.

Read More:
1. Place These Plants in Your Bedroom to Help You Sleep Better
2. Find Out How Keeping These Plants in Your Home Can Make You Healthier
3. Keep Mosquitoes Away With These Plants

photo credit: pixabay

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