6 Daily Habits That Will Keep Your Throat Healthy

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Our throat carries food to our esophagus and air to our windpipe. It plays an important role in our health. However, many of us rarely care about our throat unless it feels scratchy, dry and tight or starts to hurt when we swallow. We tend to forget that like the rest of our body, our throat needs care too.

The following are 6 habits you can easily insert in your daily regimen to keep your throat healthy.

Hydrate Often

Your throat’s vocal folds are made up of protective cushioned layers of soft tissues that need to be kept moist to stay healthy. So, stay away from caffeine and alcohol that prevent the body from retaining water. And instead of grabbing a bottle of colas or sodas to quench your thirst, go for a glass of water. Health experts recommend 6 to 8 glass of water per day, or higher if you are working in a dry or air-conditioned environment.

Clean Your Toothbrush

As much as your teeth need regular brushing, your toothbrush needs proper cleaning too. It can harbor germs and bacteria from the food and other materials that may have stuck in it after brushing. So, before brushing your teeth in the morning, mix a teaspoon of salt in a cup of hot water and soak your toothbrush in it. The salty concentration will dehydrate bacterial cells, hindering bacteria from growing.

Pay Attention to Hygiene

Basic hygiene practices, such as washing hands before eating and not sharing eating utensils and other personal items, can go a long way in preventing sore throat. It keeps viral or bacterial throat problems from spreading to others.

Rest Your Throat

During periods of extended use, make it a point to give yourself some “vocal naps” once in a while. This is especially important if your work involves lots of talking and speaking, such as a teacher. Find quiet ways to spend your breaks rather than engaging in noisy chatter with colleagues.

Gargle with Saline Solution

As mentioned earlier, salt rinse is a great disinfectant as it can hinder bacterial growth. So, for a healthy throat and clean-smelling breath in the morning, gargle a mixture of salt and warm water before going to bed.

Warm Up Throat Muscles

Stretching cold muscles can result to injury. The same is true with your throat. So, if you are a singer, actor, speaker, teacher, or doctor and the like, do some vocal warm ups every morning to condition your vocal chords. Yawning, creating a buzzing sound, or humming slow, gentle tones will do the trick.

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