Getting your daily dose of various minerals and vitamins is great for your skin and overall health. But when it comes to acne, there are some minerals and vitamins that especially help fight acne and some juice recipes for acne that combine those essential acne-fighting nutrients.

The below juice recipes for acne contains ample amounts of these vital vitamins and minerals. Just simply mix, match and drink for clearer skin!

5 Ways Juicing Can Help You Get Rid of Acne

1. Green Juices are Anti-inflammatory

Your body functions at its best when there is an even balance between pH and acid. But, when your body is more acidic, it shows up usually in your skin.

One of the best ways to bring more pH into your body is by adding in more vegetables. Besides drinking vegetable juice daily, add ginger into the mix as well. Ginger is an anti-inflammatory and can help boost your immune system.

2. Juicing Helps Balance Your Hormone Levels

Hormone levels are the most common cause of acne, which you all know are a complicated internal process that is difficult to change. But, hormone levels are affected by blood sugar levels and digestion. Since juicing helps both of these, it is an amazing way to clear acne.

3. Juicing Helps Your Digestive Enzymes

Some individuals with acne problems have some type of digestion problem. It is usually one of two issues; either their body is in toxic overload or they are using the restroom too much or they are not using the bathroom enough and their body is not absorbing nutrients from their food.

The way to solve this is with a drink that is filled with nutrients that will get your system moving.

4. Juicing Helps Maintain Your Blood Sugar Levels

Your blood sugar level are inherently tied to the appearance of acne. Higher blood sugar can cause excessive growth at the root of hair follicles, which creates the condition for acne to grow.

The problem with this is that when you tend to eat foods in the morning that increase your blood sugar level. To solve this, choose to include one of the below low-sugar juice blends to wake you up.

5. Juicing Keeps You Hydrated

If you have acne you are most likely using medicines and putting creams on your face that can completely dry your skin out. The result is an itchy dryness that can even make you break out more and can slow down the healing process after a breakout.


Cucumber Carrot Juice for Acne

This is a top juicing recipe for acne, because it is easy to make and very straight-forward, yet provides a lot of juice. The ingredient below provides a quart (32 ounces) of juice.

15 carrots
9 stalks celery
1 cucumber

If you want to use something more precise.

5 and 1/2 cups chopped Carrots = 15 ounces juice
5 cups chopped celery = 12 ounces juice
1 and 1/2 cups chopped Cucumber = 5 ounces juice

Green Lemonade for Acne

Green Lemonade is a vegetable take on a classic juice. Lemons are filled with Vitamin C, another “skin vitamin” to help your skin clear itself. The cucumbers serve as a great, refreshing base which is rich in silica and other nutrients. While kale provides a powerful dose of Vitamin A and Vitamin B2, which is great for decreasing stress, because stress is equal to more acne.


3 kale leaves
2 cucumbers
2 lemons peels off

Strawberry Blackberry Beet Juice for Acne


1 cup strawberries
1 cup blackberries
1 medium-sized beet

Mix all ingredients.

Read More:
1. How to Use Nutmeg for Acne, Clearer Skin and Shiny Hair
2. 5 Herbs to Treat Acne
3. Aloe Vera Face Masks for Acne

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