5 Reasons to Start Eating Brussels SproutsBrussels sprouts are not as popular as its other cousins in the Gemmifera group like the Chinese pak choi though it does look a bit like a miniature version of cabbage.

Grown first in the fields of Belgium (hence its name from the Belgian capital), production in the United States is mainly concentrated in California and Washington where it grows all year round.

It is a great source of Vitamin C.

Vitamin C is essential for protecting the human body from illnesses by building up the immune system, lessening oxidative stress and regulating oxidation to suppress the state of iron and copper atoms. The North American Dietary Reference Intake recommends at least 90 mg of vitamin C per day. That is equivalent to the vitamin C content of 100 grams of Brussels sprouts.

It has low sodium and fat content.

For every serving of 100 grams of Brussels sprouts, you get 25 mg of sodium and 0.3 mg of fat.

This means that eating Brussels sprouts is good for your heart. Low fat is linked to a lower risk of contracting heart problems as less fat would accumulate in your arteries. Low sodium content, on the other hand, will mean lesser chances of having cardiovascular problems, hypertension and edema.

It has anti-cancer properties.

Brussels sprouts contain a chemical called sulforaphane. According to various studies, sulforaphane is linked to several anti-cancer properties which lessen the risk of contracting the disease. According to the Journal of Food Science, Brussels sprouts also have the antioxidants glucosinolates and isothiocyanates that have the same effects. To maximize the nutrients you will get from them, do not boil Brussels sprouts as it would rid the vegetable of its nutrients. Instead, microwave, stir-fry or steam them. You may use them as toppings for grilled pork by sautéing them with onions and garlic.

It is very accessible.

Brussels sprout practically grows everywhere in North America and Europe. If you cannot locate fresh Brussels sprouts, they are available in supermarkets in frozen form. They are especially common in some counties in California where it is grown in thousands of acres all year round.

It is great for pregnant women.

Folic acid, also called folate, is present in large doses in Brussels sprouts. This nutrient is known for aiding the formation of the neural tube and DNA for fetuses and prevents some birth defects like cleft palate and spina bifida.

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