Reverse Cavities the Natural Way

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Reverse Cavities the Natural WayContrary to popular belief, cavities can be reversed. Having these in your mouth does not mean it’s the end of the world because there’s something you can do about the situation and no, the solution need not be expensive. Sure there’s always the option to have your dentist drill your tooth out and fill the gap with synthetic materials but that’s not the only way to treat this condition. According to the British Medical Journal, there are natural ways to reverse cavities and tooth decay. The best part about this news is, these natural solutions are safe and affordable.

An experiment was conducted on sixty-two children who had cavities. These children were then split into three groups. The first group was asked to eat a standard diet and oatmeal (which is high in phytic acid). The second group was asked to eat a normal diet plus vitamin D supplements. The third group was asked to consume a grain-free diet plus vitamin D supplements. The results showed that the cavities of the kids from the first group, whose diet was high in phytic acid and grains, increased. The kids from the second group had some improvements in their cavities while the kids from the third group, who were asked to follow a grain-free diet with foods that were high in nutrients such as fruits, vegetables, milk, meat, and vitamin D, showed the best improvements because there cavities were healed completely.

This study, backed by dentists and doctors, shows how terribly misinformed we are about the cause of cavities and the possibility of reversing it naturally. According to Dentist Ramiel Nagel, author of “Cure Tooth Decay” it’s best not to put amalgam fillings and just stick to natural ways when it comes to treating tooth decay. Nagel believes that cavities can be prevented and reversed by eating nutrient-rich foods.

Here are some causes of tooth decay:

To better understand the connection between oral wellness and proper diet, let’s travel through time and talk about Weston A. Price, who is a legend in the world of oral health. Price, who chaired the National Dental Association from 1914 to 1923 and pioneered the American Dental Association (ADA) in the 1900s, traveled around the world to find out what the real cause of tooth decay is. He found a connection between cavities and the consumption of modern food. He noticed that people who were part of indigenous isolated tribes had little tooth decay and perfect teeth. Once they knew about the Western diet, however, they started to experience chronic illness, bone loss, and tooth decay.

According to the American Dental Association, tooth decay begins once food that contains starches and sugars like pop, cakes, candy, raisin, and milk are constantly left on our teeth. This is because the bacteria that lives in our mouth grows on these carbohydrate-containing foods and produce acids as an aftermath. Through time, these acids cause damage to the tooth enamel which leads to tooth decay. This is just one of four factors that cause tooth decay.

For Dr. Weston Price, Dr. Ramiel Nagel, and Dr. Edward Mellanby, the four main causes of tooth decay are:

  1. Diet that’s high on processed sugar.
  2. Diet that’s high on phytic acid-rich foods.
  3. Not enough minerals (phosphorous, magnesium, calcium) in the diet.
  4. Not enough fat soluble vitamins such as vitamin D, vitamin K, vitamin E, and vitamin A.

Now that we know what causes tooth decay, here are some natural ways to treat them and eventually reverse cavities:

  1. Try Oil Pulling

Oil pulling is a treatment that’s been used for hundreds of years by Ayurvedic medicine. It’s an oral detoxification treatment that’s has been gaining popularity in the United States for the past years. The process takes about twenty minutes of swishing one tablespoon of oil inside the mouth. Oil pulling cures diabetes, headaches, and gingivitis. If you have a hectic schedule and it’s difficult to spend twenty minutes for this procedure, then you can reduce it three or five minutes. For best results, use MCT oil or coconut oil and a few drops of tea tree or clove essential oils for maximum antifungal and antiseptic effects. It’s best to do this oral detoxification procedure the moment you wake up in the morning. You can do other things like take a shower or dress up during the 20-minute time frame. When you’re done, spit the oil in the garbage can instead of the sink because you’ll experience plumbing problems when the oil accumulates. Right after spitting the oil, get some warm water to rinse your mouth. You can also use salt water since it has antimicrobial properties. If the saliva-oil mixture you spit out is yellow or milky white, don’t be surprised because that’s perfectly normal. Once you’re done with oil pulling, brush your teeth.

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Since oil pulling is a relaxing procedure, try not to exert any effort in swishing the oil around your mouth for the entire twenty minutes because you’ll only end up having sore jaw muscles. Instead, gently move the oil around your mouth and in between teeth from time to time. Make sure you don’t swallow the oil.

  1. Use Fluoride-free Toothpaste

Fluoride-free toothpastes are expensive but fret not for some brands that were released recently no longer cost an arm and a leg. If you’re still not keen on spending but you want to re-mineralize your pearly whites, then why not whip up your own re-mineralizing toothpaste? You just need a tablespoon of xylitol or 1/8 teaspoon of stevia, four tablespoons of coconut oil, twenty drops of clove or peppermint essential oil, two tablespoons of aluminum-free baking soda, and twenty drops of calcium/magnesium powder. Blend these ingredients well and use the mixture to brush your teeth.

  1. Get Rid of Phytic Acid

Beans, nuts, grains, and seeds contain phytic acid or phytate which blocks minerals and inhibits enzymes that lead to serious health conditions. What puts the spotlight on phytic acid is that we no longer apply traditional ways in preparing food like sourdough fermentation and sprouting which gets rid of phytates.

An article published in The Lancet showed that diets that are high in phytic acid cause osteoporosis and mineral deficiencies. Approximately 80% of phosphorous found in beans and grains are bound to phytic acid and cannot be absorbed by the body. Aside from making phosphorous unavailable to the body, these phytic molecules block the minerals that are essential for oral health such as zinc, magnesium, calcium and iron making it impossible for the body access them. Following a diet that’s high in phytic acid causes a 20% decline in zinc absorption and 60% in magnesium. As if that’s not bad enough, phytic acid also extracts minerals from your teeth, body, and bones!

Consequently, phytic acid is also responsible for causing lack of appetite, digestive disorders, tooth decay, and nutrient deficiencies. One way to prevent this is by putting a limit to your grain consumption and avoiding unfermented soy products. Since foods that were produced using high-phosphate fertilizers are also high in phytic acid, stick to foods that are GMO-free and are produced organically. If you’re serious about reversing your cavities and improving your health, you must stay away from soy, beans, nuts, and grains because these are high in phytic acid. If you can’t find the urge to eat these foods then it’s best if you first perform sourdough fermentation or sprouting lessen the phytic acid by 50-100%.

  1. Follow a Diet that’s Rich in Nutrient-Rich Foods and Dairy

Raw dairy is packed with minerals and vitamins that help keep the teeth strong and boost oral wellness. Packed with vitamin D3, calcium, vitamin K2, fat-soluble vitamins, phosphorous, and magnesium, raw dairy products can help your teeth become cavity-free. Raw cheese, organic grass-fed butter, and goat milk kefir are highly recommended and should be consumed at least once a week. If you want to fight tooth decay, you need to load up on the fat-soluble vitamins and minerals. Here are some foods that you should include in your diet:

  • Zero packaged/fast/processed foods. You need to be strict when it comes to this one because this is very difficult.
  • Much on at least one piece of fruit each day.
  • Fish, eggs, and bone broth are okay.
  • As mentioned earlier, eat grass-fed butter, cheese, and goat milk kefir at least once a week.
  • Eat vegetables. Especially the green leafy ones. It doesn’t matter if it’s raw or cooked for as long as you eat them.
  • Only eat beans, seeds, and nuts that have been sprouted.
  • Foods that are rich in healthy fats such as avocado, fish, coconut oil, olives, and fermented cod oil are highly recommended.
  • Soak up the sun and get plenty of vitamin D.
  • Eat fermented grains moderately. You can also purchase breads and raw flours.
  1. Eliminate Sugar

This is a problem for those who have a sweet tooth but if you want to achieve healthy, cavity-free, strong teeth, you need to eliminate the number one cause of cavities- sugar. Sugar blocks the circulation of dental fluids, it is highly acidic, and it can remove the calcium and minerals rom your teeth which eventually leads to dental decay. Reverse those cavities by avoiding candy, soda, and pastries that contain sugar. Limit your intake of maple syrup and honey and if you can, limit your consumption of juices. Be cautious when using artificial sweeteners because they come with health risks as well. Use stevia and raw honey as your natural sweeteners.

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