From Our Readers

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Home Remedies for an Enlarged Heart

Also known as cardiomegaly, an enlarged heart can be caused by a number of things. It is usually due to high blood pressure or...

Astounding Health Benefits of Asparagus

Due to its high content of sulfuric compounds, asparagus is notorious for making the pee and other bodily fluids smell strange. The good news...

7 Quick Tips on Dodging Bad Dreams

Does it seem like your nightly sleep is always disrupted by bad dreams? Fret not each time you are about to hit the sack....

Lifting During Pregnancy? Beneficial NOT Scary

Any exercise or physical feat can be wholly and safely mastered with gradual practice and knowing when to pump it up or take it...

What are the Health Benefits of Eating Squid?

Squid, or also known as calamari, is a powerhouse of nutrients that is often neglected by some people. This mollusk is the secret weapon...

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