9 Super Carb Whole-Grain Foods for Weight Loss

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You can add these 9 Super Carb whole-grain foods to your healthy diet and exercise plan.

1. Quinoa

9 Super Carb Whole-Grain Foods for Weight Loss

Quinoa contains lysine, an amino acid that is missing from most grains. It is also a good source of fiber, copper, zinc, potassium, magnesium, iron, riboflavin and vitamin E. It is used in making varieties of pasta and cereals. You can also use it as a side dish.

2. Barley

9 Super Carb Whole-Grain Foods for Weight Loss

Barley is rich in manganese, fiber and molybdenum. It also has the ability to help in lowering your cholesterol level because if contains pectin and beta-glucan. You can add it as a side dish or add in into your bread and soup.

3. Brown rice

9 Super Carb Whole-Grain Foods for Weight Loss

Brown rice cotains more fiber, potassium, protein, magneisum and selenium compared to white rice. You can also find them as the main ingredient for rice cakes, rice milk, pasta, cereal and crackers.

4. Farro

9 Super Carb Whole-Grain Foods for Weight Loss

Farro is the original grain from which all the other grains were derived. Though lighter in texture and taste than wheat berries, it has the same nutritional ingredients. It is also known as spelt and can be found in a variety of whole-grain breads.

5. Whole-wheat Couscous

9 Super Carb Whole-Grain Foods for Weight Loss

Couscous is a quick-cooking pasta that is made from whole wheat. It’s also great as a side dish.

6. Steel-Cut Oatmeal

9 Super Carb Whole-Grain Foods for Weight Loss

One of the healthiest carbohydrates you can eat. Steel-cut oats are a good source of iron, fiber and protein. Also they are low on the glycemic index, which makes them a great great option for people with diabetes.

7. Millet

9 Super Carb Whole-Grain Foods for Weight Loss

Millets are a good source of plant protein and fiber. Also it contains zinc, copper, magnesium, iron, folate, B vitamins and potassium.

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8. Wheat Berries

9 Super Carb Whole-Grain Foods for Weight Loss

Wheat berries is a good source of phytochemicals, magnesium, iron, zinc, folate, B vitamins, protein and fiber.

9. Bulgur

9 Super Carb Whole-Grain Foods for Weight Loss

Bulgur is a name for wheat berries that have been cracked and steamed. It may be used in bakery goods, soups, pilafs and as a substitute for couscous or rice.

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