Home remedies have been proven to be an effective treatment for lower back pain.

The lumbar area or the low back, serves various important functions for the human body. You can try these sleeping positions if you are suffering from low back pain.

Sleeping Positions that Help Relieve Lower Back Pain:

1. Sleep on Your Side in the Fetal Position

If you are suffering from a herniated disc, you may want to try sleeping on your side, then curled in a fetal position:

  • Lay on your back, then roll-over gently onto your side.
  • Tuck your knees toward your chest, then gently curl your torso into your knees.
  • Switch sides from time to time in order to prevent any imbalances.

How does this position help?
Your discs are soft cushions in between the vertebrae of your spine. Herniation happens when that part of a disc pushes out of its normal space, therey causing weakness, nerve pain, and more. Curling your torso in a fetal position opens the space between vertebrae.

2. Sleep on Your Stomach Using a Pillow Under the Abdomen

You may be familar have heard that sleeping on your stomach is not good for back pain. This is partly true because of the added stress to your neck.

But, if you are resting on your stomach, you do not have to force another position. Instead:

  • Put a pillow under your pelvis, and your lower abdomen in order to relieve some of the pressure off your back.
  • You may choose to use a pillow under your head, depending on how this position feels.

How does this position help?
People who are suffering from degenerative disc disease may benefit most from stomach sleeping using a pillow. It can relieve stress that is put on the space between your discs.

3. Sleep on Your Side Using a Pillow Between the Knees

You can try shifting over to your side, if lying flat on your back feels uncomfortable: Allow your left or right shoulder to make contact with the mattress, along with the rest of that side of your body.
Put a pillow between your knees.
If there is a gap between the mattress and your waist, you can choose using a small pillow there for added support.

Whether you use one or two pillow, you should resist the urge to always sleep on that same side. Doing this may cause issues such as scoliosis or muscle imbalance.

How does this position help?
Sleeping on your side alone will not make you feel better. It is using the pillow in-between your knees, that is the trick. The pillow will help keep your pelvis, hips, and spine in better alignment.

Related Articles:

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  2. Treat Back Pain Instantly by Pressing These 3 Points – Here’s How
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photo credit: pixabay

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