11 Healthy Alternatives to Salt

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Just as some individuals have a sweet tooth and some don’t, some people also crave that salty taste more than others. Craving for salt is just as bad as having a sweet tooth, sometimes worse!

But, just like you can fight your sweet tooth addiction with healthy alternatives and choices, you can kick that salt habit too with healthy natural alternatives that bring out the flavor in your dishes.

The easiest way you can cut back on salt is by using these natural flavor enhancers, extensively in your cooking. You can use salt free alternatives and seasonings in most of your recipes that need salt and it can actually improve the taste.

11 Healthy Alternatives to Salt
salt alternatives / pixabay

11 Salt Alternatives:

1. Cayenne

Cayenne is also known as red chilli peppers. It is a good substitute for salt. Also, it is widely used in Mexican, Spanish and Indian cuisines. Cayenne gives a peppery and hot flavour that can be a good salt alternative.

2. Garlic

Garlic is one of the most healthy foods. You can chop it up or blend it in a food processor to add zest to your soup and a sauce or soup. This is another ingredient that combines really well with lemon.

3. Ginger

Ginger helps enhance sweet and savoury dishes. Fresh ginger can be grated into curries and stir fries during cooking, or sprinkled over meat before barbecuing or baking. Also, it can also be used in salad dressings or added to rice. Ground ginger can work well with stewed fruits.

Ginger has a lemony, peppery and slightly sweet taste, with a sharp aroma. You can buy them grounded or fresh, as a ginger root, which can be grated or chopped.

4. Infused Oils

Infused oils are a wonderful replacement for salted butter, butter and soy sauce or to add another layer of flavor beyond extra virgin olive oil. You can use blood orange oil, truffle oil, chili oil, Meyer lemon oil, garlic-infused oil, and oils infused with Asian flavors which contains far less sodium than soy sauce.

5. Lemon

Lemon juice or grated lemon peel can add taste and zest to almost any food. It is fine to eat on any diet because it is low in calories and can help with water retention. Just make sure to buy organic ones, if you are using on the skin.

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6. Mint

Mint is a refreshing herb that works in savoury and sweet dishes. You can use fresh mint leaves, if you can. Mint is great in couscous, salads and pastas. Also, it is tasty with peas, carrots and broad beans.

7. Onion

White, red or yellow onions, they are all bursting with flavor and can add so much depth to any dish. You can add them raw or grill them, saute them in and add to dishes. With its so much flavor, you can reduce the salt in the dish and not feel it.

8. Pepper

Unrefined black pepper can help spice up any dish. It is especially awesome when combined with lemon peel. Also, you can also buy lemon pepper at most grocery stores. Just make sure that no chemicals or sodium have been added.

9. Sesame Seeds

You can a a handful of sesame seeds into soups, stir fry’s, pastas, salads and even sandwiches to add a delicate nutty flavor as well as a tasty crunch. These tiny seeds are full of nutrients which includes iron, zinc, magnesium and copper.

10. Tomato

When you slowly heat tomatoes, it creates a rich tangy flavor, not to mention releases lycopene, which is a powerful cancer-fighting agent. You can mash up a tomato, including seeds and all, then add to the water you are using to cook couscous, rice or quinoa, or use to add nutrients and flavor to a soup base.

11. Vinegar

If your meal taste flat or bland, you can add a dash of acid. This is the supporting character behind many a stellar salad dressing, sauce, salsa, marinade or chutney.

Vinegar are very versatile. If the cost per ounce were calculated, vinegar are the ultimate flavor enhancer. You can stock up on white balsamic, apple cider, balsamic, rice, red wine, white wine and champagne vinegars.

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1. Which Salad Dressing You Should Avoid and Its Super Healthy Alternative
2. 8 Low Calorie Ingredients You Should Be Using
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