What are the Health Conditions Cranberries Can Help You With?

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Cranberries contain amazing health benefits. These fruits have an excellent nutrition profile, as they are rich in manganese, copper, vitamin C, vitamin E and vitamin K1.

Also, cranberries contain a significant amount of antioxidants known as flavanol polyphenols, which can improve health.

What are the Health Conditions Cranberries Can Help You With?
cranberries health benefits / pixabay

Health Benefits of Cranberries:

1. Anti-Aging Benefits

The USDA scientists at the human research center reported that the wealth of antioxidants and phytonutrients present in cranberries play an important role in providing protection against the problems that develop with age, such as lack or corrdination and memory loss.

Cranberries contain a multitude of therapeutic properties that helps in protecting the cells from the damage that are caused by unstable molecules known as free radicals that contribute to aging, therefore making your skin look younger.

Cancer Prevention

Cranberry contains proanthocyanidins, which helps in inhibiting the growth of various cancer cells. Studies have suggested that diets that are rich in flavonoids, play an important role in reducing the risk of cancer mortality and cancer.

Cranberry juice has anti-carcinogenic components that interfere with the growth of cancer cells, in particular those associated with prostate and colon cancer. As per studies, proanthocyanidins can prevent micro-tumors from developing in the blood vessels. Regular consumption of cranberry juice can help in preventing the rapid growth of tumors. The chemicals in cranberries can also prevent the multiplication of breast cancer cells.

2. Cardiovascular Health

Evidence showed that the polyphenols present in cranberries may help in reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease or CVD by preventing the platelet build-up and reducing blood pressure via anti-inflammatory mechanisms.

3. Dental Health

The same phytonutrients that are present in cranberries that helps in preventing UTI’s, may also benefit your dental health, thru preventing bacteria from sticking to your teeth.

An added benefit is the anti-inflammatory effects of these phytonutrients, which can also help in reducing inflammation your gums. This helps in reducing your risk of periodontal disease.

4. Prevents Inflammation

Cranberries have been reported to contain anti-inflammatory effects, which can benefit conditions such as stomach problems, digestive disorders, rheumatoid arthritis and your cardiovascular system, in particular the lining of your vessel walls.

5. Prevents Ulcer

Certain types of stomach ulcers are related to a particular type of bacteria, which is known as Helicobacter pylori, and cranberries may help in preventing this bacteria from attaching to the lining of the stomach. This is similar to how they can help in preventing bacteria from attaching to the lining of the urinary tract.

6. Prevents Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs)

Cranberry is best known for its role in preventing UTIs, most especially for recurrent infections. The high level of proanthocyanidins or PACs that are present in cranberries, helps in the reduction of the adhesion of certain bacteria to the urinary tract walls, in turn fighting off infections.

A study that was published in the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology in February 2016 showed that while cranberry capsules have been reported to help urinary tract infections, cranberry juice is far less effective. This is because it takes large concentration of cranberry to prevent bacterial adhesion. The amount of concentration is not present in the juices you drink.

7. Respiratory Infections

According to studies, cranberry juice helps in inhibiting certain strains of the Haemophilus influenza. This is a common cause of respiratory and ear infections in children.

Cranberry juice inhibits the bacteria’s hair-like structures, thus inhibiting them from adhering to the surface of your skin.

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