Want to Improve Your Memory? Study Says Sniffing Rosemary Can Improve Your Memory By 75%

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Study Says Sniffing Rosemary Can Help Improve Your Memory By 75%

Rosemary has been used as herbal medicines even during the ancient times. But recent stduies have proven that rosemary can enhance a person’s memory. This could be due to the eucalyptol found in the aroma of the herb.

Studies were conducted which involves older people, wherein rosemary was used for aromatherapy. The result, it promoted mental quality to participants of the study. This is because of the eucalyptol, a compound found in rosemary, which plays a vital role in the development of memories in animal models.

Rosemary Protects Your Brain from Aging and Damage

Some memory loss is considered a normal process of aging. Rosemary helps protect your brain in a variety of ways, to minimize damage and slow down the rate of brain cell aging. Also, it increases blood flow to the brain, which in turn gives your brain with more nutrients and oxygen.

Rosemary contains carnosic acid, which helps fight off free radical damage to the brain. It contains natural acids that help in protecting your body’s cells and DNA from free radical damage. The compounds present in rosemary herb, prevent the breakdown of acetylcholine, a chemical that induces the brain cells that are responsible for reasoning and memory to communicate with one another.


A study was conducted on rosemary, where groups of individuals were given rosemary essential oil. A total of 66 people participated in the study.

They were randomly assigned to 2 rooms, the forst room was scented with rosemary and the other not scented. The results were remarkable; participants had 60-75% chances of remembering things, as compared with people who were not given rosemary essential oil.

Rosemary oil enhances memory, because its aroma contains terpenes, which is a primary component of essential oils. This enables the components of rosemary to enter the bloodstream and then travels to the brain and act on its memory systems.

How to Use Rosemary

There are many ways to boost your memory with rosemary. You can put 3-4 drops of rosemary essential oil on a tissue and then enjoy as the smell wafts through the air.

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