This Lavender-Infused Beverage Will Get Rid of Your Headaches and Anxiety

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When life hands you lemons, make lavender-infused lemonade! And it is much sweeter when the lavender comes from your own garden.

Plus, pure lavender oil is an incredible essential oil to use for your own wellness and health. It is one of the most powerful essential oil, making it a favorite of households for its healing properties.

This Lavender-Infused Beverage Will Get Rid of Your Headaches and Anxiety


Lavender Oil Benefits:

Lavender oil has a chemically complex structure with over 150 active constituents, which is why it is effective at helping with a lot of health issues. Lavender oil contains anti-fungal, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, antidepressant, analgesic, antibacterial, hypotensive, antispasmodic, sedative and detoxifier properties.

Researchers from Florida also found that lavender oil benefits include reducing anxiety and lowering pulse rates in participants taking stressful tests.

Lavender essential oil also has medicinal properties. It has been known to reduce depression, ease labor pains and improve insomnia. Studies suggests that lavender oil benefits those with hangovers, headaches, pain relief and sinus congestion.

Lemonade with Lavender Essential Oil


6 lemons (peeled and juiced)
5 cups water
1 cup raw honey
1 tablespoon dried and organic culinary lavender (optional 1 drop of lavender oil)
1 drop purple food coloring (optional)
Lavender sprigs for garnish

1. Pour 1/2 water in a pan. Then bring to boil and remove from heat.
2. Add dried lavender and honey. Let it steep for at least 20 minutes.
3. Strain the mixture and transfer into larger container.
4. Add lemon juice and the remaining water. Stir well.
5. Refrigerate.

Important Note:
Studies have primarily looked at the effects of using lavender oil topically on the skin or inhalation. There have been no negative symptoms stated when 3 drops of oil is mixed with a carrier oil and when applied directly to the skin.

But not much research has been done to look at the effect of ingesting the oil. Most people experience no negative symptoms when ingesting lavender oil. But because of its high levels of anti-oxidants, you should remember to keep this to a minimum and be careful if you have sensitive digestive system. There are no known food interactions of lavender oil to date.

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