Symptoms of Stress and How to Deal with It

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Stress is the result of our bodies’ adaptation to perceived stimuli and is thus a natural process. Prolonged, however, stress can be harmful to our bodies whose result can be seen from outward appearances. As such, whenever you are stressed out and feel like you are getting ruined in the process, the following are some of its symptoms should it arise.

In addition, are the steps you can do to deal with the problem of its symptoms.

Hair Issues

Our hair is one good indicator whether we are stress or not, not just the face. Our body has a way of knowing it intrinsically that the after-effect is obvious on the hair. The following are the signs of stress as seen on the hair:

  • Shedding

When it comes to the allocation of needed nutrients for the normal functioning of the body, our bodies’ vital organs are of top-most priority. This means that if you are stressed and is thus eating poorly or losing weight, your hair gets the least of available nutritions. This forces our hair to go into resting and shedding phase sooner and is a condition called telogen effluvium.

Treatment: Eat healthy and use hair thickening shampoos available in the market.

  • Graying

Melanocytes is our bodies’ stem cells that basically gives color to our hairs. However, when we experience emotional stress, its function from giving out hair color deviates to simply its regenerative processes. This leaves our hair without color and is therefore gray which is true to all people regardless of their hair’s natural color.

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Treatment: The graying of hair is currently irreversible but whose coloring can only be restored by artificial means such as a hair dye.

Skin Issues

  • Acne

According to a study by Stanford University School of Medicine in 2003, undergraduates’ acne worsens during exams. In addition to the changes in diet and affectations to the quality of sleep, stress contributes to the flare-ups of acne. Other contributing factors such as the chemicals in the body also play a role on this problem, too.

Treatment: De-stress by means of relaxation. This significantly calms the body from producing chemicals that contribute to the issue of acne.

  • Fine line and wrinkles

In almost the same way that our bodies’ inherent chemicals contribute to the formation of acne, it, too, forms fine line and wrinkles. The most notable chemicals of this process are: glucose, cortisol, and adrenaline.

Treatment: Start by stabilizing your body’s blood sugar level (glucose). In addition, you may also opt for foods that contains a good amount of antioxidants which promotes a more vibrant look on our outward appearances.

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