Science Says, This Dessert Can Cut Diabetes Risk in Half

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This is good news for chocolate lovers out there. Individuals with diabetes are warned they should avoid sweets. But a recent study finds chocolate actually helps prevent the blood sugar disease.

Science Says, This Dessert Can Cut Diabetes Risk in Half
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An Italian study published in the 2005 issue of “The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition,” stated that healthy participants who consumed dark chocolate for a week had decreased insulin resistance and lower blood pressure. Insulin resistance restricts the uptake of glucose into cells, that causes blood glucose levels to rise. Individuals who consumed white chocolate did not experience a decrease in blood pressure or insulin resistance.

In the other study, published in the journal Appetite found that individuals who never or rarely ate chocolate are at greater risk for diabetes. These people have almost twice the risk, as compared to those who eat chocolate at least once a week.

The recent study was done by the Maine-Syracuse Longitudinal Study or MSLS, a massive ongoing project that has tracked age-related health issues since 1976. It has its headquarter in the Department of Psychology at the University of Maine. The findings regarding chocolate were discovered by examining at least 908 adult who are non-diabetics and 45 diabetics.


One of the researchers said that, “consuming chocolate at least just once per week, appears to be a win-win.” This is especially for people at risk for diabetes.

Even if you do not eat to much chocolate, just one ounce or about a third of a regular-sized chocolate bar per week, helps prevent diabetes, the researchers concluded. But eating more does not mean better, the researchers found that consuming more than an ounce of chocolate per week does not further decrease the risk of developing diabetes.

Also, the researchers noted that dark chocolate contains more flavanols, as compared to milk chocolate. These compounds are associated with better memory and healthier arteries.

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